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/time 6:00 am/

"Minri wake up now we have to go" my mom said.

I sat up and fluttered my eyes open to see a ready to go mom and JooHyuk oppa.
"Huh, w-where are we going?" I say still trying to wake.
My brother then comes and kneels down to me.
"We're gonna be staying in Korea with oehalmeoni and oehalbeoji" he said while patting down my hair.
"Now get ready kiddo"

Now everything clicked with what I've seen earlier.
Despite the shocking news I washed up and changed into a brown turtle neck with a white polo inside paired with black jeans. To finish it a long brown wool jacket along with black and beige yeezys.

We then bid our goodbyes and thanked my brothers friend and hopped into a cab to the airport.

/at the airport/
We were waiting at our waiting area for our flight when-
"All cubetree please board now I repeat, All cubetree please board now" a man yelled through a mega phone
Cube tree? What's that? I look over to see all these teens around my age or older lining up to go in the plane.

I turn to see my brother VERY close to me.
"Those are trainees of an entertainment company called cube in Korea. Take a good look at them because sooner or later they will be famous kpop idols"he said
I nodded and turned back to look at them.
Kpop idols? Entertainment company? What type of sorcery is-
My eyes were immediately glued to this really good looking dude around my age about to board the plane. "Ahh if only I could see them again" I thought.

/on the plane/
On the plane I decided to take the aisle seat since I don't like being on he inside.
(This is how it was)
Lets pretend that achillo and hyunjin are trainees at cube. Ac:achillo hyj:hyunjin

AC |HYJ | WC Minri | JooHyuk | Mom

We were served bimbimbap for dinner as it was GOOOD. I then had to go to the washroom so I stood up quietly to not wake anyone up.
I tiptoed to the washroom and y kno did what washrooms are for.

I then forgot about being on a plane and slammed the door open.
Omomomo!! Who did I hit!!
I slowly look behind the door to see the handsome dude from earlier holding his head.
"Oh my, I'm so sorry. I completely forgot"
I said while putting my hands in a prayer motion and closing my eyes.

I then felt a pair of hands grab my hands and put them down. I looked up slowly to see him smiling.
"It ok. It was accident" the dude said wig broken English and smiled.
He then walked pass me to enter the men's washroom across. I stood there shooketh and found myself smiling like a creep while walking to my seat.
I saw him wearing a uniform for YISS?
Hmm weird name for a school.
I sat down and felt something hit my head.

I rubbed my head and faced my brother with a death glare.
"What" I said sternly
"Stop smiling like a fool your creeping me out" he said.
I sighed and turned back to my tv thingy on he plane. But a question popped in my mind.
"Oppa, do you perhaps know what school I will be attending in Korea?" I asked ever so nicely
"Yongsan international school of seoul" he said
I nodded and sighed in defeat.
Yiss is way off of this long name school I'm going to. There's no chance.

\\10 hours till arrival in incheon//

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