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calm down minri.

one audition can't hurt.

the worst that could happen is that you won't get called back.

Scratch that, what if you mess up?

Embarrass yourself?

Do something completely wrong.

A bunch of thoughts clouded your mind as your nervousness started to build up as you were walking towards the middle of the room.

You stood right in front of the judges. There were three judges, one guy who looked like he was forced to be there. A woman who looked very intimidating and could rip you apart with her stare. And another man who looked like he could be an idol. He was smiling unlike the other judges.

Aside from the judges, there was a camera guy recording with this big camera at the corner of the room, some staff at the side and a guy around my age sitting there. Wait is that woochan? Oh no, way to make my nervousness worse.

"Hello?" I hear which snaps me back from my thoughts.

"Ah yes sorry" i Bow

"I don-" the intimidating lady got cut off by the idol looking judge

"It's ok it's a first for everyone right? Anyways name age general info ya know and what will you be doing?" The guy said with a slight smile.

I then stated "my name is Nam Minri, I'm 13 years old, I'm from Toronto Canada but currently reside here in Seoul and I will be singing and dancing afterwards"

The other guy then spoke "to-Ron-to? Ah english, hello Nice meet you your korean good very much"


"Can you please start?" That lady said.

You then start singing the truth untold by bts.
(I won't even input the lyrics cuz that might annoy some of you guys, but it's from the start till the end of the chorus)

You sang with a lot of emotion that when you finished you looked up to see the staff members Jaw dropped, the camera man checking if he had goosebumps and the judges slightly astonished and shocked.

Woochan p.o.v.

Alright let's see what this girl can do.
She started singing the truth untold by bts, hey I know this songg. She better not ruin it.

//after minri sings//

I stood there my mouth agape, holy crap she can sing indeed, her voice is like and angel and how does she put so much emotion into not only her performance but her voice. I am very impressed. If she wasn't so cranky all the time I'd be going after her.

Back to minri p.o.v.

"That was great, definitely a future star right there" the idol man said looking at me with high hopes.

"Pretty good, lets see you dance" the woman said, jheez why does she wanna rush me, there aren't much people left to audition.

(Just imagine any dance you know, I'm too lazy to find a video and then input it ugh too much work)

You finished and bowed. Sweat dripping down your forehead, heavy breathing. You've never danced with so much determination in your life.
You stood there and saw the three have a small conversation amongst themselves.

You looked around the room and woochan caught your eye. You saw him staring at you and he looks rather shocked. You stared back at him until he noticed and tried to look cool again.

You chuckled "cute"

"Ok minri, so us three have decided for whether we will call you back or not right now." The bored looking guy said.

Idol man then spoke "we decided to not call you back."

Your heart dropped at the moment.
Although you weren't going to die if you passed or not, you kind of did want to become a trainee and eventually debut.

"But" the lady spoke "that's only because we've already decided to make you a trainee here in the company, welcome to the cube family minri" she greeted with a smile

Your whole inside lighted up again, a rush of happiness completely took over and you started jumping and crying out of joy. You went to the lady and hugged her and bowed to the two male judges.

"We will contact you soon. Can't wait to work with you, from the moment you walked it I knew this would happen" the idol guy said.

You bowed and exited.

"Minri-ah it's ok better luck next time" your brother said while patting your back.

"What are you saying oppa?, your sister here is already a trainee" I say and flip my hair.

"WAH? daebak, I had to re audition so many times meanwhile you got in on your first try. I don't know if I'm proud or jealoud of you ouch" he said

You then see a familiar face again. It was woochan walking towards you. "Congrats, you weren't that bad out there, see you soon" he smiled and winked.

Ok eww, I still don't know what's wrong with him. With that my brother started asking questions about him but I ignored it and started walking towards the parking lot.

Jheez minri, made it through in one audition damn you must be talented. Looks like woochan and minri have a lil sum sum ykk. Lmfao dkm it's like 3am and I have knOw idea what I'm saying. I should get sleep. Goodnight.

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