칠 | 7

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"class is now dismissed, have a nice weekend everyone"

"You too mrs.Jung" the whole class replied.
I put away my belongings in my locker and exited the school.
"Yah minri come here!" An annoying voice shouted. Yup it was woochan.
I turn around and see him signalling me towards him. I walked to him
"Come we have to go" he said.
"Huh, where? With you? Why?" I questioned. He looked at me with a "are you serious" expression.
"To the company pabo now get in before other students see the van" i was then pushed into the van on to somebody.

"hi minri, Nice to see you again, still remember me?" He greeted shyly
Aw cute. I had to answer. "Yeah, achillo right? The cute one with glasses" he turned a light shade of pink.
"YES I SHIP MINRI AND ACHILLO LETS GOOOO-" hyunjin was cut off by woochan "no we don't now let's go, put your seatbelt on minri" and he buckled my seatbelt.

What's wrong with him? Ugh whatever, i forgot training starts today.
I was listening to troublemaker, my favourite part was about to come but I felt someone tap my shoulder so I had to pause the song.
"Ah yes achillo?" I looked at him.
"Uh can I have your number so we can get to know eachother more? You know what friends do?" He asked softly.
"Yeah sur-"
"Look we are here, let's go" woochan said and pulled me out before I could reply to achillo. I mouthed to achillo sorry, while woochan was dragging me towards the building. "AISH what's your problem" I said letting go looking at my wrists.
"Nothing you just took to long to get out of the van, now come on, I have t tour you around the building" he said and walked without me.

"Pft tour the building but you're leaving me" I said loud for him to hear, but he just continued walking. I sighed and started walking towards the elevator but then someone tapped my shoulder.
"Uh about your number? And I can tour you if you want" I turn around to a shy looking achillo. Aw so cute.

"Sure! Here, and if it's ok with you haha"
I say and achillo flashes a smile before showing me around. We end up at the dance practice room where I come to meet woochan and hyunjin.

"I think I'm starting to li- what are you guys doing together?" I hear a woochan yell. What the hell is his problem, he left me so how else was I supposed to get around.

"Well Achillo here toutes me around because someone left me behind. Now if you excuse me I have somewhere to be, and thank you Achillo remember to text me!" I then leave the room and head into the elevator.

//Woochan p.o.v//

Me and Hyunjin were In the dance room spilling secrets when I hear two people laughing walk in.

"I think I'm starting to li- what are you guys doing together?" I yell when I see Achillo and minri walk in with eachother.

Oh right I left her there.
She then bidded Achillo goodbye and left. And what she has his number?before mine?

"Yo Achillo, why do you have her number?" I raise an eye brown and cross my arms.

"Why you jealous?" He just snickers and shakes his head walking towards the table.
Pfttt. Me jealous? If it's for her never. I'm just uhm shocked

what a nice day | jo woochan Where stories live. Discover now