팔 | 8

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"I'm just shocked that you two are close, if anything I thought she wouldn't have liked you" I said with a straight face

"So what, it's not like she likes you anyways"

My head snapped at that, that's right she doesn't like me. She probably thinks I'm some jerk or whatever.

What else makes me sad is that it seems as if Achillo takes Interest in minri too. Well it can't go down without a fight.

As I'm leaving the building, many thoughts were crossing my mind. Why did woochan seem upset when I walked in with Achillo? Is he upset that I lost him. Pft not my fault.

As I'm on my way to the doors I see Soojin and Hui. Ahh cute cute they seem so happy of each others prescense as label mates. Meanwhile me over here getting judged by one every single day ugh.
I just need sleep.

/the next day/
I wake up to the sound of my alarm. Birds chirping and I elegantly get out of bed. not.
I woke up to the sound of the air conditioner and rolled of my mattress.

I took my sweet time and got up and brushed my teeth. By the time I made it down for breakfast I was surprisingly still early so I decided I would walk to school today.

I pack my breakfast to go and walk out the door.

Whilst walking a black van zooms past but then stops in front of me. I got kinda scared so I prepared my led pencils to attack.

As I walk past nothing happens, great I successfully passed the van.
Then I felt someone grab my arm,

I quickly turn around and stab their hand with my pencil. I look up to see woochan? Why is he the one kidnapping me. Or maybe it's a look alike to lure me in. Hmm.

"Who are you?" I ask trying to look cool

"Are you serious minri? I don't have time for this just get in the car-"

"You didn't answer me who are you?"
He then looked at me with a "are you kidding me" look

"I'm Woochan, forgot me already? Yah yah look at the time we're gonna be late for class now get in before I lift you" my eyes widened at the last part and I jumped right into the van and heard a chuckle behind me.

"Hey that hurt by the way- aish" woochan speaks up and rubs his finger over his palm where I stabbed him with a pencil.

I felt bad but didn't want to show him I cared. Ugh. I grabbed his hand and took a bandaid and some polysporin from my bag and treated him. After I finished applying the band-aid I threw my garbage at him and plugged in my earphones.

Before I played the music I heard a faint whisper
"Tch, bipolar" I chuckled at the statement and looked out the window.

//at school//

(Woochan p.o.v.)
I was hoping maybe I could walk minri to class today and decided to surprise her. When we got to school I told her to get out of the car first and start walking and wait for me at the door, so I could get the extra yakult from my bag, catch up and walk with her.

There I was happily walking to the door. As I was about to reach the door I see minri, leaving? With ACHILLO? They looked like they were laughing and drinking yakult aswell. Achillo was holding her bag and everything in the direction to her class.

What if she does like achillo? I won't let that happen. I can't believe Achillo is letting this happen aswell. I never knew he wanted our friendship to end this early.

what a nice day | jo woochan Where stories live. Discover now