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//woochan p.o.v

Not too long after the three of them stared at me, I shrugged it off, leaving my food at the table and made my way out of the cafeteria.

I walked through the halls, kicking around a pen that happened to be in front of me on the ground. I think I got a bit too focused on the pen not looking up as I've already bumped into a couple people.

"Woochan watch out!" A voice from behind me yelled.

"Huh?" I looked up only to find a wall only a couple centimetres from my face, if I had walked any further, my nose would've been flatter than that pancake I had for breakfast.

"What's wrong with you today? First hugging me and now trying to hurt yourself. God, did a girl finally reject you?" I looked up to find the owner of the voice, Hyunjin, giving me a weird look as he fixed my hair and three the pen into the trash.

I looked up at him, with an emotionless expression washed over my face not knowing what to say, but that didn't last very long.

I looked around making sure no one was near and pulled Hyunjin off to the side.

"I need to tell you something" I explained to the boy in front of me, looking at me as if I'm some mad man.

"With what? Learning how to act properly?" He snickered and fixed the part of his blazer I grabbed him by.

I rolled my eyes and looked up to him, hesitating not sure of whether I could trust him with what I was about to say.

Though this was my only hope but I decided to play it cool.

I leaned onto the wall and avoided anytime of eye contact while clearing me throat before speaking up "so uhm i.."

I peeked at his face seeing as he was blankly blinking, trying to read my expression to see where this was going. "Hurry up, you've been spitting non sense for the past day, I don't have time for this Jochan" he laughed, recalling the silly name Minri had called me.

"Ugh would you just shut up for a second.
IuhmkindalikeMinriandwashopingyoucouldhepmemakeaplantogethertobemineyouknow" I blurted out in a word vomit but played it off as my expression went from nervous to proud in less than a second.

We stood there in silence, just Hyunjin looking at me with an eyebrow raised. Too silent up to the point I could hear his breathing.

"Oh you like Minr- WAIT YOU LIKE MINRI WHAT" Hyunjin shouted and I'm assuming he finally took it what I've blurted out.

I quickly placed my hand over his mouth and flicked his forehead "oh wow, go and tell the whole school won't you. Yes whatever but I need a plan" i said as a wave of nervousness took over my body seeing Achillo and Minri approach us over the shoulder of Hyunjin.

He looked back as-well to see what the meaning of my expression was and smirked before leaning near to my ear and patting my shoulder "I got you bud" he then smiled and turned around to greet the two, sleekly patting my back.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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