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I keep looking at the pin, YISS.
Ughh Im so stupid it's an abbreviation. I then attempt to put the pin on but it fell and slid to someone's foot. I went over without looking up till I see a hand pick it up.

"You again"
He says with a blank face as I look up.

It's the guy at the airport, what's his name again woo jochan? Something like that right.

"Uh me yep whoot, if you excuse me I need to be somewhere" I say while grabbing my pin and walking rather fast towards the female washroom.

As I opened the door I felt it by someone, gosh what's with me and hitting people with doors.
"Ouchh" is what I heard.
I went Inside and helped the girl up
"I'm so sorry I didn't know you would be coming out at the same time" I said while helping her brush off her uniform.

"Haha it's ok it's an accident, I haven't seen you around so I'm assuming you're new here, my name is Lee Joohyun and you are?" She states and sticked her hand out.

"Minri, Na Minri, and yes I just moved here from Toronto, nice to meet you" I shook her hand and looked at the watch.

8:55! Class is starting in 5 minutes and I don't know where mine is.
I look at my schedule and look back up at her.
"Do you happen to know where class 2b-"
"Ouu im in the same class let's go!" She cut me off and dragged me along to class.

//In class//
I sat down next to Joohyun since there wasn't much options left.
Then our teacher walked in.
"Good morning class" she greeted
"Good morning Mrs.Seo"
The class greeted back, quite dead sounding.
"Today we have a new student in class so let's give her a warm welcome and not scare her please. Now where is Nam Minri?" She scanned her eyes through the class.

I raised my arm slowly before walking to the front to introduce myself.
"Hi I'm Nam Minri, i lived in Toronto but moved here to Seoul for various reasons. I like singing and dancing. That's all really so please tak-"
I was cut off when the door bursted right open.

"Sorry Im late I had stuff to do"
It was him again jochan, but he was with a friend, i feel bad for his friend jheez.

"It's ok woochan, minri you can go back now sorry for that." She apologetically smiles at me.
I smiled back and went back to joohyun but saw jochan's friend sitting there.
"Sorry new kid but this is my spot,
But there's one right there"
He said while handing me my bag and pointing next to jochan in the back corner.
I sighed to myself and sat next to him.

Surprisingly throughout class he didn't bother me which I was more than ok with.
It was lunch time and I was heading towards Joohyun but my sleeve was grabbed. "So we see eachother again, shall I call this fate?"
"Ugh leave me alone Jochan, I barely know you, i apologize again for what happened at the airport if that's what you want." I pulled myself away and rushed to joohyun. "Hey what was that?" She whispered. "I grabbed the wrong bag at the airport and suddenly he hates me, whatever I'm hungry let's go"

-woochan's p.o.v-
Jheez why does it seem like she hates me. And her name, I keep on forgetting it, argh I'll just ask her later. "Woochan stop thinking about your crushes and let's go eat lunch I'm hungry" i snap out of my thoughts to see a pouting hyunjin in front of me. *flick* "yah yah, don't ever show me that face again it's disgusting" I then walked off the the cafeteria.

-/at lunch/-

"So woochan, hows the new kid that you sit beside?" Hyunjin asked while we were waiting in the line for food.
"She's annoying, weird and I don't like her at all." I stated while looking at her from afar as she's a couple people ahead of me.

"Aw I already ship it" I hear achillo say, and I punch his arm.
"Yah I was kidding, If anything I ship me and her"
"Yeah let's not, anyways woukd you move up in the line I'm trying to get food since were the last ones in line"
I just went up to the lunch lady slowly hearing those two bickering fading.
"Thank you, have a good day" I smile and greet the lunch lady.

I turn around and wait for the two.
"Ah man there's no more seats, thts because you couldn't stop being annoying"
"'Me? If anything it was you"
I've had enough of them,
"can you guys just stop so we can eat it's been like a good fifteen minutes and I'm starving, now go find us a table achillo" so he went and what he did next made my eyes widen, he sat at the same table as the new girl. I facaepalmed and tried looking for other seats-

I sighed in defeat, walked to the table and sat at the only empty seat,
Next to her...

Sorry I've been really inactive lately! I've had a lot of schoolwork's but ill will try to update more frequently. Thanks for being patient and hope you still enjoy the story:)

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