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Woochan p.o.v.

This brat, I don't wanna sit next to this girl, I've already lost my appetite after seeing those two bicker. Now she makes it even worse.

"Yah woochannie, it's not nice to pick at your food, you have to eat it" Hyunjin scolds me.
I roll my eyes and take a piece of kimbap and bring it towards my mouth. I chew it slowly, as I was chewing I felt someone touching my arm.

"YAH!" I throw my arm and hit who it was. I forgot I was sitting next to the new girl, I may have hit her to hard because she was holding her eye and wincing in pain.

"m-mian, a piece of my rice fell on your outerwear and I was trying to clean it off." The girl said bowing but still holding her eye.
She couldn't just even have told me? I could've done it myself tsk. This girl, she's gonna get a piece of my mind.

"No I s-should be sorry, I shouldn't have reacted that way"
Ok what the hell, I'm trying to scream at her but I'm not allowing myself?
She gave a slight smile and turned back to her food.

She's a little cute when she smiles.

"Oh jochan, I forgot I was going to ask you something."she said

"BAHAHHA JOCHAN IMMA START CALLING YOU THAT NOW" I hear an obnoxious creature so called achillo from across the table.
She looked clueless as to what he was saying. She probably got my names mixed up.

"The names jo woochan." I say without looking so I can look cool.

"Ooh, sorry, I'm nam Minri, and I was gonna ask, are you apart of cube tree? That group of kids that was on the same plane as us?" She said

Nam minri, Nice name. How'd she- oh right they announced it she must've heard.

I hummed back in response. "Why?"

"N-no reason"

I was gonna ask her something but a school councillor came up to her.

"Nam minri? You're brotheris here to dismiss you early, he said you have some place to be."

"Oh it's 1:30 already? I didn't notice. Thank you I'll go get my things" she bowed and started packing up her notes she was reading during lunch.

"Aw minri why do you have to leave already wE didn't  get to know you yet" I look over and see achillo doing sad aegyo. WTF IVE NEVER BEEN MORE DISGUSTED.

Wait 1:30? I need to go, I'm watching the auditions at our ent today shoot.

"Oh right guys I gotta go too so see you later"I say and rush out of school.

I was walking to the cube shuttle which was out front and I saw minri, she was getting into her car which I assume her brother is driving from what I can see. Wow her brother looks like an idol, i guess good genes run in their family. Uhm except for hers tho yeah hehe.


"Ah, ne, chuseonghamnida." I hop into the van and we were ok our way to cube.

//at cube ent.//

Minri's p.o.v.

I was a bit nervous, we were let in last minute since we registered last minute. To be honest I don't think we wouldn't have been accepted late if it weren't for my brother and his fame.
Here we were at cube. We were heading in and I heard girls screaming behind me.
Huh? Is there someone famous? I look around and see no one else but girls screaming and my brother. Oh right, my brother is famous here in Korea, I was used to staying unknown in Toronto.

"Yah minri, we need to run." Joohyuk says.
"Already planned on that" with nothing else said we dashed in through the front doors of cube.
I ran into someone.
"Sorry, I wasn't looking at my surroundings- WAIT YOU WHY ARE YOU HERE?" I look up to see the person I ran into was woochan. Right I forgot he was with cube.

"Hey dont talk to my sister like that."
Joohyuk scolded him.

Woochan p.o.v.
I was walking towards the audition rooms but someone ran into me. I aolgized but it was minri? Why the hell is she here at cube? I scolded her but to only get scolded back by her brother.

"Hey dont talk to me sister like that" he said

I look up "NAM JOO HYUK?, WHAT YOURE HER SISTER" I said my mouth agape pointing towards Minri.

"Yes now if you excuse us we have an audition to attend, I can give you a picture signature later just not now please, thanks for supporting." He said before dragging minri to the registration table.

Minri's p.o.v.

I was dragged by my brother to the registration line after him and woochan had a talk.

"Minri-ah, there's a lot of mean people like that Im company's everywhere so you're gonna have to get used to it." My brother said


We walked towards the counter.
"Name is nam minri, and I'm here for singing and dancing"
I stated.

"Ah yes here you are here's your sticker and good luck! Fighting!" The registration lady said, she seemed nice to me rather than the previous people in line. Probably cause of my brother sigh. I wanna be treated equally, not because of the standing of my brother. Whatever.
I place my number sticker on my shirt and turn towards my brother.

"Omo omo omo, you remind me of me when I auditioned here" he said acting like a mom about to tear up at her child's wedding.

"But aren't you with yg?" I questioned

"Uh yesh, but I still auditioned for other companies before, cube happened to be one of them."

"How'd you end up in YG?" I asked yet again.

"Well you see at the time, cube didn't need actors only dancers and singers, unfortunately I only found out day of audition. So I happened to sing and dance in front of the judges, and let me tell you, I think those judges have passed because of hearing me. After that I auditioned at yg for acting and here I am now" he said while smiling.


Oh no that was my number, it's my turn.
"Wish me luck oppa" I sighed and stood up.

"FIGHTING!!" My brother said back making a pose and I walked towards the doors.
Hey guys so like, I kinda forgot where I was going with this fic, so if it's a bit all over the place please bare with me I'm making things up as I go.
Lots of love:)

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