Afraid (T'Challa)(Pt.1)

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Requested by:BumblebeeGirlz26


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What would you do when the person that you love is in danger?



T'Challa POV
I smile falsely as I look down at Abby and pull her closer to me as I bend down to kiss her forehead hearing multiple cameras flash. I watch as she looks up at me and smiles widely. I look away as I turn back to the cameras answering the questions they had before making my way towards Okoye and Nakia.
"Are you ready my King?" She questions me as she looks up at me. I nod as I turn holding out my hand for Abby, she smiles and gently grabs my hand as we walk back to the car. I secretly glance at Nakia as I do so trying to see her reaction, I grunt looking forward again when I see she isn't looking. As we approached the car I opened the door for Abby as she whispered an Thank You before taking a seat and I sat beside her by the window looking out of it. I felt Abby play with my hands as she laid her head on my shoulder and I tensed up before relaxing again.
I let out an breath of guilt as I glance down at her seeing her eyes fluttering. I then turn my head to see Nakia looking at me and I sit up straighter looking at her as she looks me up and I can't help but  smirk. However, I look away as another wave of guilt crashes on me. I gulp as I look back out the window thinking to myself.
To keep it honest the only reason I'm dating Abby now was for me to get over Nakia. I was depressed when Nakia left and she was...... was there willingly to help me. It didn't help the fact that I knew she had feelings for me. Feelings I knew I couldn't reciprocate because the only feelings I had were for Nakia, and let's be honest.......Abby isn't Nakia and she never will be.
I've been keeping up this charade for so long and I don't know if I have the strength to keep doing this. The guilt is slowly starting to suffocate me and I'm sitting here wondering why am I doing this to her? She never deserved this kind of treatment. Yes, I might be faking what I have for her, but no one will ever hurt her. If anyone ever hurts her I'll kill them......

Third POV
Okoye stares at her King silently watching the conflict that's on his face. She slowly turns her head towards the sleeping woman that's laying on her King's shoulder, she turns back to her King as she stares at him again.
"My King are you alright?....." she questions him again as she clearly startles him from his position. "W-wha.....h-huh!...... yeah..... yeah I'm fine!" He stumbles over his words glancing at Nakia again before he gets it together clearing his throat. " Are you sure....?" She presses again as Nakia sits back smirking watching T'Challa.
"Y-yes I'm absolutely fine.... just stressed is all," T'Challa lies avoiding looking at Nakia. Okoye nods as tunes out looking out the window. "Absolutely fine huh. Why are you lying T'Challa?" Nakia questions looking at T'Challa as he still refuses to look at her. "I am fine and I'm not lying...." T'Challa protests as he clenches his jaw.
"Are you sure about that because you seem tense," Nakia muses as she watches T'Challa body language. "I said I'm fine now leave it alone!" T'Challa snaps as he glowers at Nakia. "Well aren't you just some-......" Nakia says but gets cut off by the car, " You have reached your destination".
     T'Challa physically relaxes as he turns to wake Abby up as Okoye and Nakia step out the car and outside of the Casino. T'Challa looks down at Abby as he stares down at her in awe. The sunlight shining down on her face making her seem like she's glowing and he can't help but stare at her beauty. He shakes his head as he dismisses that thought and shakes Abby roughly.
"Abby get up!" He yells in her ear causing her to hit her head on top of the car roof. "OW!" She yells out in pain gripping her head. "Come on were waiting on you," he grunts out ignoring her pained expression as he walks back out the car waiting. He holds out his hand impatiently when she gets out the car and walk towards the casino doors.
     He looks back at Abby and smiles seeing she's looking around. He turns around, "Move in," he demands as pushes open the doors and walks in the doors slamming behind.

"The Black Panther Just made its move..."


I want to apologize for not updating it's just that I have a lot on my plate right now with SAT next Tuesday😭

I'll try and post even thoug I'm super busy right now, but I hope you guys enjoyed this❤️❤️❤️

Word Count:844

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