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Finn tugs the vine again. "Get on with it!" I yell, half holding up Octavia. "YOU volunteered to go first." Octavia laughs, and Jasper looks at her smiling softly. His chest rises slightly to much, gaze lingering to low to long.
"Finn, can I go first?" Finn hands the vine over wordlessly. Octavia clutches my hand dangerously tight, clamp. He leaps onto the swing and I clutch harder to Octavia. Wells tries to slide his hand into my other, but I slap it away, and squeeze the hand on Octavia's shoulder. Finn pushes the swing, joy suddenly gone and a frown the size of the ark in it's place.  Jealous kid. Jasper screams the whole way, joy, hopefully. He crashes, ungracefully against the bank on the other side. He scrabbles up and then cheers. His eyes light up like fireworks and the smiles shines as if it's the sun. We cheer, and Octavia claps, grinning at me. Then Jasper flies backwards.

A spear.

The screaming stops. Suddenly all there is to hear is our ragged breath. I yank Octavia down behind the rock .The spear came from behind. Finn is running, tugging Wells by the wrist into the forest. Octavia's eyes are orbs, huge orbs. She's barely breathing. Her hand is clamped round mine. Monty is shaking. We tear after Wells and Finn, stumbling over roots we hadn't seen before. Octavia goes sprawling. A skeleton. A skeleton that's human. But can't be... No skull is shaped like that. No skull like a heart.
"We're not alone"


I search the camp again for any food that could've magically fallen from the dropship. Murphy comes and shakes his head. "There's none."
"Great." I groan, kicking a stone. It bounces down the hill.
"What were you expecting? They sent us down here to DIE." He giggles a little, as if it's a joke. I fold my arms. He stops smiling.
"I'm here to make sure that doesn't happen."I hiss. "Clarke won't be back until tomorrow evening earliest. Until then we have to feed 93 kids. There's an eight year old here... We need to get hunting, we-" Murphy smirks, eyes genuinely lit up.
"We?" The hope in his voice breaks my heart a little.
"Me and You," I pause, so he knows I'm not abandoning him. Too many of these kids were abandoned, first on the ark then by the Ark, to come here. "And Monroe, Miller, maybe Atom and Drew..." A little girl walks over, haphazard pigtails and wide almond eyes that have tear tattoos along the bottom. She walks funny, like she's trying to skip but doesn't have the confidence. Murphy's face breaks into a huge smile, and he crouches level with her and hugs her softly. He strokes her cheek a little before letting her go. "Hey Lottie." His eyes shine with happiness so bright and fragile I don't breathe in case I break it. She smiles up at him, and I feel like I'm interrupting something. "Hi Johnnie." Her voice is high and melodic, but scratchy, like she spends more time screaming than talking. "What you doing?" she asks. His eyes flicker for a minute, as if he's deciding between the truth and whatever lie would make her happy.
"I'm planning our survival Lottie." He winks at her. "I'll come and hang out later and you can tell me EVERYTHING I missed, yeah? Go and play with all the other kids." He grins.
"Promise?" she stares at him, before holding up a thin, bony pinky. He grasps it tightly.
"I promise. No cheating this time." He holds out the other one, and she grasps it. She smiles, before properly skipping away. He smiles as she goes, and swallows a little.

"Who's that?" I ask, trying to keep the confusion out of my voice. It doesn't work, and a sadistic smile suddenly paints itself over his face. My feet subconsciously slide back a little.
"THAT? That's Charlotte. Closest thing I've got to family. Someone so much as TOUCHES her and I will kill them, string their guts out and use them as bunting. Even yours." I nod, backing away quicker. Here I was thinking he'd only been arrested for arson...
"I'll keep that in mind." I nod rapidly, backing away. "I'll go and get Monroe, start making a hunting team." He nods, the sadistic smile suddenly becoming forced. He kicks another pebble down the hill.

I can tell my best friend from a mile away. Yelling, of course; probably at Sterling. "Monroe!" I call, walking over. She turns, and a smile cracks, showing the dimples she loves to hide.
"Bellamy! And here I was thinking you were just going to stand there and stare at the bit of woods Clarke walked through." She laughs, before slapping me on the arm, gently, "Not that you're complaining about that view." Sterling cringes and she snorts. I laugh too, the sensation feeling new and a distant memory. I'd missed her.
"I need you to come hunting with me." She tries to hold in a snort, cheeks ballooning, but it falls anyway. She cackles.
"Bellamy... I was KICKED OFF the cadets for being so bad at aiming... Have you drunk some of Monty's moonshine?" she's fully crying from laughter now, clapping hands in front of her. She stumbles a little over Sterling, who still kneels over a crappily tied together pile of sticks. I grab her shoulders, which is hard because they're shaking. I give her the sad puppy eyes.
"There's no food." The smile fades a little, but she's normally unreachable when she's in this mood. I hope it stays. She hasn't been this happy in a while. I could visit her in the sky box, she didn't smiled each time. She eventually stops, and tilts her head to the side and backwards, arching the opposing eyebrow. "Then ask a farm station kid... We're from FACTORY station?!"
I mimic her facial expression, but without her sharp angular green eyes I have nothing on it, "But you're my best friend." She rolls her eyes and straightens up. "Please!" I give her proper puppy eyes, and she mockingly lifts up a hand and puts it behind her head like an ear.
"Okay little doggo, I'll come." She baby talks. Sterling has entirely lost it, just in tears on the floor, clutching his sides, as soundless giggles fall out his mouth.
"Thank you... You're going need a weapon." She purses her lips, clasping her hands together. "We ARE factory station. I'm sure you can come up with something." She rolls her eyes, and I can guess she flips me off as I walk away.

Dusk falls, and we return to camp, having found no wildlife beyond unrecognisable plants. They REALLY needed to have paid more attention in Earth Skills. We start a fire, as the smaller kids are already shivering. Murphy wraps his jacket around Charlotte, exposing toned and scarred arms to the elements and a few interested girls. Many of the older teenages have already 'buddied up', proud boys smirk with cute girls on their laps. Sterling glances at Monroe, then at the couple nearest to them, snogging their tongues out each other's faces. She laughs at him, before chasing after the eight year old, who's dangerously interested in the fire. I WOULD NOT want to be the council if they come down. Monroe will tear them limb from limb for sending the kids down. Them, as teenagers is bad enough, but AN EIGHT YEAR OLD?! I think the only reason we didn't see any creatures was because she was shouting.

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