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A shout shatters the silence.


Indra has a short pale girl on the end of her sword, and glares as if she'd suddenly want it to be me.
"CHIT?" she yells across the trees. I stumble over a pair of boys on the floor, but face her. What? She wants to know what is more important than killing a tiny child. Only one of those two boys behind me is alive.
"Hod op, stedaunon don gon we, osir gaf em in." Stop, the dead are gone, we need them. And need them a lot. The little girl looks at me in horror, and her wide eyes break my heart. They're so hard, like that of the warrior whose killed hundreds, but so soft and innocent and broken.
"Chit? None gone em laik ines yu hodnes." What, none of them are the one I love, sure. But that doesn't stop me from not wanting them dead. It's taken two days to convince her she can like me, killing her friends...? No.
"Sha... Ba..."
"No ba. Heda gaf em in steadunon." I can't fight her, heda wants them dead. I know. I know, but we can't kill kids. Killing warriors, and fighters, but not the innocent. Indra pokes the tip of the blade against the girls throat. The boy behind me starts sobbing harder, but he says nothing.



Raven points a gun at the lady with the sword. And it drops from Charlotte's throat, a bubble of blood following it. Murphy, unstoppable, shoves past Monroe's arm and runs to her, dabbing it up, and kicking Finn as he jumps over him. Someone else lies in the mud next to him.
"Let them go or we shoot." Raven hisses. The lady with the sword steps forward, and so does the majority of her entourage. One doesn't. He pulls her back, and shakes his head. "Indra, hod op. No gonplei..." instead he steps forward and looks straight down the barrel of the gun.
"Touch us and Octavia dies." He hisses.

I scream. No. I'm running, feet flying over Wells on the floor, and am halfway to him before a strong arm yanks mine and I fall backwards, onto Monroe's lap, into squelchy, red mud. "DON'T. Clarke, stay calm." She pushes us both up, and pins my arms behind me. I'm shaking, and she rubs my arm but instead of calming me down it makes my blood pound faster and imagine stabbing him. The dangerous lady puts her hand on his shoulder and shakes her head slightly "Lincoln..."
"CLARKE!" Monroe yells, tightening her grip.
"I'VE ALREADY LOST BELL I'M NOT LOOSING HIS SISTER TO!" Tears begin to flow, and I'm sobbing, and it's only Monroe's arms holding me up.
"Calm down," Monroe whispers, voice soothing "Calm down, we can fix this." The man, Lincoln, stares at me, eyes wide enough to see the moon reflected in them.
"Octavia has a BROTHER?" He asks. The lady glares at him, lips pinched.
"Clarke." Charlotte whispers.
"Not now Lottie." Murphy whispers back, pushing her behind him slightly, eyes wide at me. Fear. It smokes from him. He's scared of me? The lady notices the movement, eyes flicking around the fear.
"Lincoln, frag em op."
"No. Ai frag em op en Okteivia newo hodnes ai." I recognise Octavia, and it hits me. HE has her, and HE LIKES her. I begin fighting against Monroe again. If he's touched her, so much as put his hand on her, I will skin him and wear his skin as a coat. I try to wrestle my way out, and Monroe slaps me. It echoes round the clearing.
"Stop fighting Clarke." She hisses, tightening her grip so much I think my arms lose circulation.
"You want Octavia alive?" Lincoln asks, sauntering closer. The lady purses her lips, shooting eye daggers at Lincoln, shaking her head and muttering in their language. "What can you offer us?"
"W... What?" Monroe asks. "" she stutters, trying to think of something good, and grip loosens but I don't fight. I can't think of anything either. "We're warriors." The lady laughs.
"So is everybody here."
"Um.. Well- I don't know, what do you want?" Monroe stutters, whilst maintaining her hard guard voice. First time she's done so.
"I want you dead." The lady smiles, "But we have a bigger enemy."
"The ones who took me?" Charlotte's little voice pokes out from round Murphy's elbow. Everyone's jaw drops. Murphy yelps, and turns to her.
"WHAT?" his voice is squeaky, like he sucked helium. He presses his hands against her upper arms and crouches level with her.
"Men in white... they took us. We were in a cave hiding from the yellow stuff that killed Atom and they came in... They tied us up." Charlotte's upper lip curls into a grin. "I escaped." Murphy's hands shake, and he lets go of her, and pulls out the hair pins. She nods, and he pushes them back into her hair. Lincoln looks at the lady, begging her with wide puppy eyes.
"The enemy's enemy is my friend..." he whispers.
"Fine!" she groans. "You-" she gestures vaguely at Monroe. "Split your people into warriors and not. WE have an alliance against the maunon."
"Me? I'm Monroe... But..." Monroe drops my arms entirely, guard voice falling with them. "I.. I don't... I'm... I'm not the leader? Clarke is." She stumbles the words out. Surprise flits across the lady's face. She waves her fingers at me, and turns to Lincoln, I hear Octavia's name muttered as he runs away.
"Um.. Monroe, with us." I command. "Finn, you take Raven and Charlotte back to camp." Finn nods, as more tears stream down. Suddenly, I realise Wells isn't breathing. No. No. Not my best friend. A sole tear spills down my cheek, the rest glittering on my lashes. But I swipe it away. I must be strong. I can cry later. "Murphy, Monty? You chose."
"I'm going with Charlotte." Murphy nods, and helps Charlotte over to Raven, who lifts her up and spins her round in the air. She giggles, and suddenly it doesn't feel so creepy. "I'll stick with." Monty nods. He helps Finn get Wells on his back, and I turn away, unable to look at my best friend's limp body. Raven passes us the guns and nods, before walking away. "Murphy!" I call, realising the others at won't be receptive unless they know the full truth. "Tell them the grounders are our allies, and we'll have Bell, Miller and Drew back in a little while. And if Jasper's conscious tell Harper she needs to get him out of the dropship, and she needs to sterilise everything used on him." HE nods, before hurrying after the others.

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