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"I have bad news." My gut twists. Monroe stumbles forward, Raven steps away from Lexa and O practically jumps down from the ladder to us. "We put the seats to a vote." Her voice breaks, and I want to hug her. "Not all the parents are making it down."
"Noo." Monroe breathes softly. I squeeze her shoulder.
"Parents in obviously useful jobs have been , and as a council we pulled as many as we could up in exchange for people who offered little use, like old people and the injured." Her voice shakes. "I'm so sorry." She whispers. The radio turns off on their side, and rattling static fills the room. It slowly fades. I hug Monroe, but she roughly throws me off, and runs outside. Her mum's a druggie. There's no way she's coming down. I go to run out after her, but Roan blocks my path. He shakes his head and crosses his arms. The radio bleeps on, and it's Sinclair. "Raven, I need you to help me." She falls on the radio.
"Did you make it?" her voice breaks, and tears are on her eyelashes.
"Number 32." He says. Raven breathes is relief, as one of the tears rolls down her cheek. "Could we do two dropship journeys?"
"Not particularly?" Raven questions, face twitching as she did mental calculations. "Bellamy, pass the map." I walk away from mine and Roan's standoff, and pass her Clarke's map. She unfurls it. "No, there's nowhere within 50 miles you could safely land it with chance to take off again... And that's just for enough open area for a safe take off, if you factor in how much extra hydrozene you'd need, landing with the slightest bump would explode you all. Then, even if it did land safely in the area it could, there are dozens of grounder villages you could land on... Like, doing it with the same requirements as us, you can land with a lot more accuracy."
"Jaha also wants to see if sending the whole ark down-" Raven snorts.
"Suicide on a plate?" Raven laughs, the rest of us don't. Lexa looks shocked. "That's his plan?" she titters. "The potential for dangers is astronomical..."
"5% chance of some part of the ark making it." Sinclair adds.
"Did that factor in the age of the stations, how the majority are designed for a sea landing fifty years ago... The potential for explosion in factory station alone is astronomical. All the hydrozene... BOOM!" she yells, everyone jumps. Monroe walks back in, face tear stained. I hold out arms for a hug. She doesn't go for it. "I mean, farm station would be a potentially least dangerous being built only 97 years ago and more well refined than the majority of the ship. And it's largest potential for landing expired only a year ago... But it is mainly built of glass." Raven rubs her nose.
"Okay, more proof. Thanks. I swear, Jaha's gone mad. Be careful, alright? See you soon Raven." Sinclair calls. The radio chokes out more static.
"The rest of your people are coming down?"
"That's the reason we're here." Octavia explains. "We're the expendable criminals. The Ark's dying. Oxygen runs out in less than a month." Lexa nods, drumming her fingers on her legs.
"We need to radio your friends." Roan settles back into his seat. "Get them out. Your people in the sky are not the concern." We nod.

"Come in Mount Weather, Come in Mount Weather."Raven keeps asking. "They must have turned the tannoy off." Raven sighs.
"WHAT!?" A harsh voice barks out the radio. The grounders sit up, excited and scared. Indra presses a finger to her lips.
"Hello to you to." Raven snorts. "We want to talk to our friends."
"They're fine, busy."
"I'm sure they'll happily come and talk to us."
"We'll see." A different voice comes through. 'Cage' mouths Monroe. Everyone looks at her in confusion. She points upstairs and rolls her eyes. Oh... she had to deal with accents.
"Touch them and we'll kill you." Raven hisses.
"Course you will sweetie." Cage giggles. "Charlotte and John, siblings?"
"Okay... Are there any siblings here?"
"Probably." Raven laughs, "Probably a couple of aunts, uncles and mums as well. And Graham, who's everyone's daddy." Monroe snorts, smiling for hte first time in a while. I look at O in confusion. We're the only siblings... and Roma's the only one who had a kid.
"Alrighhtt?" He drags out the word, unsure. "How many are still at your camp?"
"I don't know." Raven grunts. "Like..." she makes a noise to imitate confusion.
"Like right now...?"
"I don't know." Raven says again. "Like 50?" She asks, "60? 20? I don't know I don't get out much." She laughs again. THAT was a jibe at the mountain men, who didn't even look inside the dropship.
"You've had 20 people die. I have 18. How many did you start out with?"
"Still don't know. I joined the party late." Raven laughs.
"Well who's in charge?"
"Not me?" Raven laughs. Lexa smirks, desperately fighting a smile.
"Who is?"
"Diana." Monroe snorts louder, clamps a hand over her mouth and runs out the dropship. Her howls of laughter faintly echo back in.
"Who?" Cage questions.
"Diana. She has GREAT boobs." I splutter, trying not to let the laugh fall to. I run out, into the fresh air, and laugh with Monroe. Raven shouts so we can hear. "And amazingly put together blonde hair, and a good ass."
"Oh, Harper?" THAT killed the laughter. I hurry up the ramp. Everyone's mouths are agape.
"WHAT!?" Raven yells. She opens her mouth and closes it again. "She's LITERALLY 16. Like stop. You're a 30 something old f***er." The guy on the other end of the radio coughs awkwardly.
"Erm, where is Diana right now." His tone slides all over the place.
"She's scouting." Raven smiles, withholding the joke we knows coming because it puffs up her cheeks with laughter.
"Scouting what?"
"Thelonius's dick." She states matter-of-factly. Monroe snorts, and runs out.
"Erm.." The guy sounds like he's going to cry. "I'm going to... Going to.. get your friends." The radio goes silent.

Monroe comes back to quickly, laughter changed for a look of utter sickness and fear. She covers the speaking part of the radio. 'They have cameras on us' she mimes and mouths. My chin juts. She nods, and points at her ears. She heard them. She turns to the grounders, and points hard at them, then shakes her finger and points it outside. If it wasn't such bad news, her charades would be almost funny.

"Guys?" Clarke calls through the radio. She sounds happy. Well, ok, not upset.
"Hey Clarke." Raven responds, pretending everything's OK.
"Hey Raven. You guys alright?"
"Yeah. We're alright, cold and a bit damp, but alright." She laughs. "Tents aren't great to keep mist out apparently." Clarke gasps and my heart melts at the excitement. I can her big blue eyes lighting up, and her mouth opening, and looking at whoever she trusts, seeking allowance to be excited. That bit always broke my heart.
"Was it pretty?"
"Really pretty. It was all swirly and thick and you could barely see a few feet in front of you." I hope amongst the beauty, one of them will get what Raven's referencing. The acid fog, we need the acid fog to come down. "The guy running mount weather is a total creep." Raven states. We look at her in horror. Oh God.
"What? Dante?" Clarke questions.
"No, Cage..."
"He's not in charge... but what did he do?"
"Well you know how Diana's in charge at camp? Well we were describing her and I went on about her ass and tits because like, who's not jealous?" Monroe splutters with laughter. "But then he goes, 'Oh, Harper?'"
"EW!" Harper's voice echoes down the radio. "NO... ewwww. He's like 47... and HELLA UGLY." Everyone snorts. "Wait... What's Monroe finding so funny?" She questions, voice going from vibrant to confused in a fraction of a second.
"What do you mean?" Raven looks at Monroe in confusion.
"There's a screen, with the dropship on, and she's laughing outside it." There's a pause, then "I can see your additions to the play area, looks cool... Where are the kids?" Monroe blanches and runs outside. I almost follow her.
"Monroe was laughing at my other part of the Diana story, because we were talking about her love for scouting Thelonius's dick. It was like three minutes ago?"
"Oh, OK."
"Who else is there?"
"Me, Clarke, Monty and Miller. Jasper's busy with the kids, but Maya should be back from her meeting soon and she'll actually be able to handle them." She laughs.
"Maya?" I recognise it to... the girl who would be helping Clarke, who could take low levels of radiation.
"She's one of the mountain men, a girl. She's our friend. She's teaching me and Clarke and some of the others how to make clothes. They MAKE their clothes here it's awesome."
"Really? Wait-" She turns to us, and looks at me, covering the radio microphone. She counts to ten out loud, in different voice and tones. "Monroe wants to know if she's hot..." There's a snort on the end of the line, but it fades to silence quickly.
"Hey, it's Miller And yeah, she seems cute, like wavy hair dark brown, Harper's height... I don't know. You'd have to ask Jasper honestly, he spends HOURS staring at her."
"Raven?" Clarke cuts in harshly. "Can you ask Bellamy whether or not he thinks space pussy is crap?" I splutter, turning red. Monroe steps in and her relieved face twists to one of disgust.
"These twatty guards are calling us bad at sex." I snort at the anger in her, turning redder by the second. Monroe giggles a little. Octavia's eyes are wide, and she looks like she's about to throw up.
"Erm, she's good, one of the best even." I stutter, awkwardly. Monroe shakes her head at me, disappointed, but trying hard to stop a smile. Lexa and Roan have identical terrified facial expressions, eyebrows raised and eyes wide. Raven passes it on, and I can hear the laughter down the radio. Monroe's eyes slowly burn far away, glassy, and she turns pale. "Monroe looks like she's going to throw up... you alright?" Rave laughs, letting the radio hear. Monroe grimaces.
"Oh... that's because she walked in on it." Clarke calls. I burn red, and I didn't think I could get more embarrassed. I don't look up, staring at the floor, feet suddenly very interesting.
"WHAT?!" Raven's voice is high and short. Eyes bore into me.
"It was awkward... you know..." Clarke slows down awkwardly. I mouth at Raven to change the subject. She nods, grimacing.
"SO! What's the food like?"
"Great... It's better than moonshine... They have actual proper sugar!" Monty's excited voice rings.
"We had sugar?" Raven laughs.
"No, we had sweeteners... This is proper sugar. It's better than moonshine..." He pauses, distant words said to far away to hear. "Guys, we have to go, Maya's outside asking for us. Bye!" The radio clicks off.

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