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"Someone needs to fake being a reaper, and find another convoy of victims for the mountain. Bellamy will have to be the prisoner... Whoever goes with him will need to leave the tunnels before you reach the door for the mountain, because then you'll be forced to take 'The Red', a highly addictive and highly dangerous drug. It's what causes the reapers." Monroe announces, crossing her arms and surveying everyone. "Easiest access point is the Dam." The others nod.
"I'll go." Lincoln steps forward. O's eye's widen in shock and horror. Lincoln looks me in the eye, pleading, wanting to protect. But he's not protecting me when my sister's involved. I shake my head.
"No. You're staying, you're our only medic, and you're one of two I trust to look after Octavia if I die."
"You're NOT going to die." snaps Octavia, but she's white as a sheet and sways. Lincoln wraps an arm round her shoulders.
"I'll go." Roan calls, resting with arms crossed against the side of the dropship.
"No. We need you to control azgeda." Indra spits.
"And I'll be back before you know it." Roan steps forward. "My mother sent me here to die to get her people back. I might as well die trying to get my second back." I nod.
"Preferably neither of you will die."


I cautiously apply basic azgeda war paint to Bellamy's face. Bellamy's hands shake and he swallows. "You'll be fine." I roll my eyes. Bellamy nods. "You look azgeda." I smile. His eyes are wide with fear, and his pupils swallow almost all of his iris's. Sweat beads on his forehead. His eyes hauntingly fade into the deeper hazel pools of Echo in her first battle as my second. The shaking hands clasped around the too big sword are now clasped around a grey rock. He nods, breathing in deeply.

The reaper entrance looms, small and pitch black. I toss my sword to the other hand, and roughly shove Bellamy into the tunnel. He stumbles on an outcrop of broken rocks. A cascade of stones thunder down the tunnel. I push him further in. We crawl into darkness. Flaming shadows begin to lick the walls. I push Bellamy forward, hand shaking. We enter a cavern, miles high with torches lining the walls. A log, with people tied to it, rests on the wall. Many of them have sacks over their faces, and arms tied tightly to the log. The man nearest has wrists that course blood to the floor. I tie Bellamy to the end of the log. He nods, and I press a blindfold over his face. I hurry away, back into the warm darkness.

I run. My feet pound against the damp ground. I glance over my shoulder as I near the dropship. There is no one behind me. I pause to gather my breath. My hand's shake, remembering tying the blindfold over a friend's face, to have him march to certain doom. I stride into the camp, gate opening without question. It may be broad daylight but I have to trust they have found a way to remove the camera by now. Indra greets me outside the dropship, Octavia in tow.
"He's inside the tunnels. He should be there by nightfall." Indra nods, but Octavia's bottom lip wobbles. "He'll be fine. He could easily pass as azgeda to a true azgeda." Octavia swallows, and breathes deeply. Calm radiates from her. We walk into the dropship, the curtain drawn back, and sun light streaming onto the radio. Raven is slumped in front of it, a blanket thrown over her shoulders. Indra presses a finger to her lips, and beckons me towards the ladder.
"Someone come in!" A tearful voice echoes down the radio. "Please." Raven jumps awake, fingers clasping round a knife. "You need to get them out quick." Raven realises it's coming from the radio, and leans over to the microphone. "Dante is dead. Cage has full control." The voice sobs. Maya. That was her name, the mountain girl. "Doctor Tsing is building her room as we speak." There's a soft, tearful hiccup. "Please. They're starting the treatments tomorrow." I walk forward, and pluck the radio out of Raven's hand.
"The knight is already on his way. He will be with you soon."

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