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"NO!" I scream, stumbling towards the flickering radio. Arms pin me back, and I'm dragged backwards. Tears burn in my eyes. I try to pull against the arms. But I already know it's no use. I slump against her and she stumbles back a little, not letting go. I sniff. "We've lost them again."

The canvas door snaps back, and Lexa steps in. She stops, shocked. Her eyes glide from Raven, desperately fiddling with the buttons on the radio, to Octavia and Indra, with O's hand clutching Indra's arm, Lincoln holding O's shoulder, to us. Her brows crease. Monroe lets go. Her, Indra, Lincoln and O bow almost in chorus. I rapidly follow, blinking back tears. Raven ducks her head, still desperately fiddling with the radio. Indra glares at her, and Raven nods. She sniffs and turns the radio off. "Heda." Indra bows again. A tall, broad set man steps in. A look flashes behind Indra's eyes. "Hainofa kom azgeda." Indra doesn't bow.
"Indra kom trikru." He hisses. He steps into the light. Long, curved scars line the edge of his face. His hair is slicked back at the top, but wild and loose at the bottom. His armour has sharp corners, and his eyes are cold, but something, something in them, is hurting.
"Heda." I step away from the chair, and motion at it for her. She smiles.
Don't worry Bellamy..." Her forehead creases. "Where's Clarke?" My bottom lip wobbles. Monroe steps forward.
"Maunon took Clarke. Shot her in the shoulder. They have 18 of our friends." Lexa blinks, and presses a hand to her mouth. "They're all alive."
"How do you know?" The man says. Hainofa. His icy distrust spreads through the room.
"We just spoke to them, your highness." Indra spits. Lexa looks at her.
"I'll take the seat actually Bellamy." She hurries over, and sits, twisting her ankles onto the chair and crosses her legs, leaning towards Indra. Indra frowns. Lexa sits up, rolling her eyes. "It's not like Titus is here to see it." Indra snorts. "What have you done?" I look at Monroe and she looks at Raven.
"Don't keep us waiting." The man says, leaning casually against the ladder. Monroe's jaw clenches.
"What part of the story do you want?"
"All of it."
"Hainofa kom azgeda." Monroe says, "Let me go up the ladder and grab a chair." He nods, stepping away from the ladder, and waits for her to come back down, wrestling the seat through the opening. She reattaches it to the wall. He doesn't sit down immediately. "I'm Roan." He sits down.
"Monroe." She nods, before walking back over to me, and crossing her arms.
"So..." Lexa looks to me. "The story?"
"They captured the majority of our people after the storm. We were able to get most of them back, along with a single prisoner. However, we lost Clarke, and 17 others, including Monty, Harper, Murphy, Charlotte and Miller. We got a message to you, and have been getting as much as we can out of the prisoner, and we were able to radio to mount weather today. Just before you arrived." I say, voice slowly getting stronger. This is harder than announcing things to the 100.
"And, what do they know any form of plan?"
"No." Monroe goes. "We have further information on the mountain, stuff our prisoner who grew up in the mountain, wouldn't tell us."
"Besides," laughs Raven, "It's not exactly like we could say 'shut down the acid fog so we can get you out'" Roan smirks, but quickly buries it.
"And your prisoner, what have you got out of him?"
"Lots of boring stuff, like his name, his wife's name, his kid and her favourite colour, his best friend and his family, bla blah blah," Monroe pauses, "Then we got some interesting stuff. Cage rules the mountain, even though Dante is the president. They have direct contact to something called 'Reaper Tunnels'" Roan sits up "They send people down them if they feel they have done something countable even remotely as treason... Then we finally found out what the blood treatments meant..." She looks at me, and I swallow, his tearful eyes blurring in my head.
"They use your blood to keep themselves alive. Very few people within the mountain can take even low levels of radiation. If they're exposed to radiation, it has rapid negative effect on them. At that point they use your people's bone marrow. Mine it all out of them, and inject it into themselves..." I swallow, "Our guy's came from a child." I whisper. Roan stands up, nostrils flaring.
"I'll kill him." He hisses. Monroe darts over the dropship floor, and roughly shoves Roan back into his seat. He looks deeply offended, but mildly shocked that someone like Monroe could easily defeat him.
"No." She hisses, glaring at him, "He's my prisoner." She hisses. Then she laughs. "I think me nearly killing him in battle is more than enough for now."
"Then how have you got all this out of him?" Roan snorts.
"I'll show you. But he can't see you. He doesn't know about our alliance. I intend to keep it that way." Lexa smiles archly at Roan. He looks away. Monroe climbs halfway up the ladder, and sits on it, looping her legs through the rungs.

"So," Lexa takes control again. "Plans?"
"None." I snort. "Disable the acid fog and work from there."
"Great. By that point my second will have had her blood stolen for brats in that mountain." Roan hisses.


"We can't do this..." Kane whispers, screwing up another list. "We can't choose who lives and who dies." The circadian light glow outside. Day is starting, and soon I'm going to have to go to the hospital.
"We could take it to a vote..." Alec says. "Every person has 700 votes, one for each seat."
"People would buy votes." Jaha crosses his arms, and leans back on his chair.
"Not if we do it under election conditions. Take down cornea messaging and start it just after curfew." I whisper. The clock ticks 7:30, and I jump up, grabbing my scrubs from the corner I'd tossed them in the evening. I'm already late, and curfew only just broke.

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