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I stare at the dawn lit trees, wanting Clarke to materialise magically so we can join all the other clichéd couples, waking up and hurrying away from the other's beds, red cheeked and haphazardly dressed. Some idiots have already resumed where they left off last night.
Then she does. And my heart stops. Her jacket's splattered with dried blood, red in the face. "CLARKE!" I yell, running over to her. All the heads turn, tongues out of mouths. Monty stumbles over the tree, carrying Octavia with him. I catch her as he stumbles. "Clarke?" She doesn't respond, mouth just open and fear mixed tears streaming from her eyes. She stares behind her, waiting. Finn and Wells step over the tree and shake their heads. Her shoulders relax. "Clarke say something... CLARKE!" I yell, clutching O, who leans against me
"Where's Jasper?" Murphy asks, Charlotte in tow. Clarke just shakes her head slightly. I'd hug her if I wasn't holding Octavia up.
"Clarke?" I whisper. The entire camp is in a semi-circle around us.
"We're not alone." She whispers. She turns and faces the crowd, who despite how quietly she said it, heard her. "We're not alone... There's other people here. They somehow survived the cataclysm... and they have Jasper... We have to find him." You could've heard a pin drop onto the mud. O sinks against me.


Bellamy comes and rests his chin on my shoulder as I pack up a new set of packs. I've left the few bandages here. Whatever's happened to Jasper won't be fixed by a couple of bandages. "Hi princess." He whispers, lips brushing against my ear. I push his head up and face him. He's smiling a little, but the worry crease in his foreheads cutting in pretty deep. "Hi Bell." I lift up a finger to rub it out. His foreheads clammy.
"Was it the grouders who got O?" His eyes shine with fear in the warming light.
"No.." I giggle, trying to ease his stress, moving my fingers on to massage his temples. "Octavia decided to go swimming with a river snake." He smiles and winks at me, kissing my finger as I pull my hands away.
"Well don't you go swimming without me and a white shirt then princess." A smile slides onto my lips and I shuffle my feet.
"Now is so not the time to be flirting Bell." What we're doing hits me like a punch to the gut. "Bell?" He hums, staring at me. "I'm scared." He smiles, before wrapping an arm over my shoulder, and picking up my bag.
"You think I'm going to abandon you? Never in a million years princess." He kisses my forehead.
"Everyone's saying you've got a gun." He lifts up his shirt, and I see a gun tucked between his jeans and his pants. His abs have got better, and I can barely tear my eyes away.
"How else am I supposed to protect my princess?" he leans his lips down to my ear, "You can have a proper look later." His warm breath sends shivers down my spine.

"Monroe! Miller! Atom? You're in charge. DO NOT let the camp become chaos, we can't let the grounders create panic." Monroe mock salutes him, before charging back to camp to shout at whatever idiots messed up whatever now.
We walk in awkward silence, mine and Bells fingers grasped round each other. Murphy struts next to us. Wells just glares at our intertwined hands. Bell leans close to me, "What's he doing here?" I can hear the jealousy in his voice. I arch an eyebrow and pout before laughing.
"A friend was in desperate want of a hookup..." A twig snaps far behind us, and Bellamy's spare hand flies to the gun as the other pushes me behind him. Finn steps out, hands up above his head.
"You're calling this is a rescue party?" I stand on tip toe to put my chin on his shoulder and stare at the drama.
"Him." I whisper. Bellamy tries to contain a snort and it sends vibrations through my chin. Finn struts past us, glances at Wells for a fraction of a second, and then stops level with me and Bellamy. "If Jasper's not dead already, he will be at the speed you're going. We need to spread out, cover more ground. Clarke, come with me." Bellamy's grip tightens on my hand. Finn keeps walking, then looks over his shoulder. "Come on!" I kiss Bellamy's cheek and whisper.
"The quicker we get them together, the quicker Wells backs off." Bellamy gently lets go.
"Be careful. Scream really loud if you need me." I can feel his gaze, heavy on my back as I walk away. I glance over my shoulder, and he smiles thinly at me. I wink at him, before twisting forwards and wrapping my arms around my shoulders, pretending they're his.


I glare at space walker, Clarke standing a few feet to far away from him. The awkwardness in the remainder of us is shattered by me spinning to Murphy. "Follow them." I glare like I've never glared before. Just because he said he likes Wells does not mean he's not lying... "If he so much as brushes her hand, KILL him." Murphy nods, smirking. He rushes after them. Wells's eyes bug as he slides to the other side of the gap between the trees. I curl my lip and keep walking. I've got to trust Clarke. Soon he'll be gone. It's not my fight anymore.


"And oh my GODS... His ARMS!" Finn is rhapsodising about wells. I think I'm going to be sick. I've NEVER looked at my best friend in such creepy detail. I try to walk faster, searching for any sign that we're near Jasper. Finn keeps going, ignorant to my discomfort. "I mean, THEY are muscular, no offense to Bellamy." I curl my lip and look away. "WHAT?" he laughs, somehow proud of the discomfort he's causing. "Okaayyy... I might have curled up next to him last night... And he moves in his sleep." His words are slimy, and I genuinely am about to be sick, I can feel the bile inch up my throat. A really loud laugh shatters the awkwardness. I spin round, and there's Murphy, trying really hard to not let the rest fall out, but they do and he's laughing so loud I'm scared we're going to get killed. "What the hell?" he groans as he tries to breathe again. I join him in giggling.
"Finn's got a c-w-ush." I use a baby voice and pout. Murphy is grinning like a lunatic now, and I can barely contain my laughter. Finn is probably bright red but I'm not looking at him. Murphy is about to collapse from the silent giggles. "It's Wells!" And I sink to the ground laughing. This feels so good, I've got a stitch and it hurts to breathe but this is the best feeling. "Really?" snorts Murphy. "Honestly? You have better." Finn's embarrassment burns the joy away.
"Wait..." My voice is no longer childish, but deeply, deeply afraid. "You left them ALONE? TOGETHER?" and my legs run before Murphy can even muster a reply. I leap over roots and round trees until I reach the narrow gap they're standing in. Wells has a small, already forming bruise on his cheek and Bellamy has a split lip, blood dribbling to the floor. He's talking in a high pitched sarcastic voice, mocking, "I got arrested for you Clarke. STOP trying to force her to like you." Wells snorts, wrinkling eyebrows.
"Stop pushing yourself into her life. She was HAPPY before you came along." What? Excuse me.
"PUSHING myself? And I can make her a lot happier than you ever can when I-"
"You LITERALLY broke onto the dropship for her."
"I broke on the dropship for Octavia!" The pain in his voice breaks my heart as I crash into where they are.
"Sure... HI Clarke!" Wells's voice goes really high, squeaking. A bird flutters in shock out of the trees and Bell stifles a laugh.
"Stop. RIGHT now!" I yell. "The HELL are you doing? We're looking for Jasper, not having petty fights!"
"Petty fights don't apply to pretty girls." Bellamy grins, dimples shimmering in the sunlight. I drop my crossed arms and shut my eyes, fighting away the smile that wants to appear. Murphy catches up and I can hear him roll his eyes.
"He's probably DEAD." Murphy grunts harshly, "But I'm dam sure his friends will want the bloody body." I nod, and pull Bellamy away. He wraps an arm round my shoulder. I dab away the blood on his chin.


Murphy glares at Finn likes he's committed treason of the highest degree. "You, you enjoy each other." He flicks his hand, disgust written plainly on his face. He storms off after Clarke and Bellamy. I think I hear the vague whispers of prick, and hoe but I'm not listening, all I can see is Bellamy touching Clarke. His arm lies across her shoulders like it's his pocket, and she's not even shrugging him off. She's LEANING into him, whilst walking. Finn coughs slightly and I look at him. He is quite attractive and maybe could turn Clarke's head if she wasn't so obsessed with Bellamy. "You need to stop loving Clarke." He says, starting to walk. I remember the embarrassment I'd felt when I woke up and saw I'd ended up spooning Finn last night, but admittedly, it hadn't been a bad choice, looking at him. His hair's long and loose, shimmering chestnut in the sunlight. He seems nice, with toned arms and confident steps, and eyes, flaming blue eyes, that don't leave mine. "She loves Bellamy way too much to even notice you. She'll never see you as more than her best friend... You need someone who loves you most," I roll my eyes and look away. Not the first time someone's tried to tell me that. "Someone who loves you more than they love anyone else." His voice shakes, and I look at him. Suddenly he's right next to me, his arm snaking round my lower back. His eyes are so beautiful up close., flecks of pale blue against turquoise.

I don't know which one of us kisses first.

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