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"What just happened?"
"Clarke spoke to us without authorisation." I whisper. I don't want anyone to say anything, not for a minute, so I can fully ensure her voice is saved in myheart. Everyone looks at me in horror.
"And she wanted me to listen... she just reeled off some weird things about us... and then left..."I don't want to explain properly. My brows crease. "It wasn't a who in the solar fields..." I whisper, "It was a what..."
"What?" They squint at me. Then Monroe's brows crinkle to.
"I wasn't there the first time you two had sex, I walked in the second time..."
"Is she trying to tell you something?" Lexa asks, tilting her head.
"Obviously." Roan mutters. "Answer all the questions."
"We first kissed on farm station, because it was a safe place far away fromeveryone who'd care..." She was scared, I was just twenty and she was fifteen, nearly sixteen. Not that age was a big factor on the ark, but it scared her,because if people found out... She was a council members daughter, she was expected to date in a much smaller pool. And not with people legally old enoughto have sex and jobs and live alone. It was a quick kiss, a good bye. We hid a lot for the first few months. But it was a beautiful kiss. It was nearly curfew, and she needed to hurry home. She was halfway down the corridor, walking away, when she stopped. The sun shone on her hair through the small window, and her hair was golden. She ran back down the corridor, and pulled my head down, kissed me for a few seconds on the lips, and then walked away again. Monroe clicks her fingers in front of my face. I return to the room, small and tight and filled with people that aren't Clarke.
"We first met on a Tuesday. I had a cadet day in the hospital, where she was working... got socked in the jaw by another cadet for trying to make polite small talk with the little kids lining up for their jabs..." Something hits me from the memory, and it's not the fist. "One of them was Charlotte!" I splutter with laughter. Monroe's brow creases as she tries to remember, then she grins.
"It was! She was the one that laughed." Monroe snickers.
"And...?" Raven tries to draw us out of our rapidly derailing conversation.
"The other doctors didn't have time to check it out, but the bruising was suggesting it was broken, so they made Clarke do it. I added my name and number for my home contact to her note pad."
"That was a bit creepy..." Monroe admits, lips pursing.
"She was the one that had it open..." we've had this argument about twenty times. She sighs and rolls her eyes.
"You'd been having sex for six minutes when I walked in." I blush, but so does she. THAT was awkward. A day when O was under a state of medically induced sleep so she wouldn't get nightmares and mum was out on business. Perfect timeto bring Clarke over. Until my best friend walked in... Roan and Indra titter a little at the discomfort.
"And the what that interrupted our first proper date was a solar flare." We were finally comfortable to date in the open. It was a month after the kiss,and we wanted to return to the fields to watch the earth amongst the flowers. A solar alarm went off, and we had to rush, sign out of the solar fields and goto our security places.
"So... Farm station, Tuesday, six and Solar Flare. Wow." Octavia goes. "Great message." She leans on Lincoln's shoulder. Raven looks at us to, like I'm mad.
"Are you sure you didn't have a secret code or something?" Raven questions.
"They didn't." Monroe frowns. I swear she knows more about my relationship than I do.
"Well she went to a lot of effort to tell you it for it not mean nothing..."Lexa presses her chin onto her knees.
"Maybe the key word was listen? Is there a way she'd be trying to tell you something with letters?" Lincoln suggests, putting an arm over O's shoulders.He catches me looking and flushes red.
"No." I shake my head. Clarke hates word analysis clues. "Listen maybe... but listen to what?"
"That she loved you?" Monroe asks. "Maybe she knows that she can't talk to youon the radio but wanted to hear your voice and remind you she loves you?" Shepats my shoulder.
"Or listened IS the key word..." Raven's brow furrows, and her eyes light up."If Monroe's right that she walked in on sex number two it'd be Farm station,Tuesday, 2 space 6, solar Flare.... What date did you meet?" Raven stares at me. I lean back a little, skin prickling under the intensity of her gaze.
"Like... It was February..."
"No it was march." Monroe argues. "We spent the whole of February doing theory."
"No, we spent January doing theory. February was your first mission. We knocke don people's doors, asking to do like identity checks or something. You felt really awkward because you were given whats-his-names mum to check on."
"Oh, the one I knee'd in the balls for stealing my jacket? Who was dating Marlene?" She questions. I snap myfingers.
"That one."
"Yeah... that was February." She nods, tapping her fingers on her leg, trying to count dates.
"So... It was the last week of February... 28th!" I jump at theloudness of my own voice.
"SO farm station, 28, 2, 2, 6, Solar flare."
"It still means nothing." I sigh. Raven drums her fingers on the dropship.
"Key word listen... Radio?" Indra asks. Raven's face breaks into a grin.
"YES!" She yells. "FM, frequency of 28... password for the encryption 2.2.6"
"Why that?"
"Because it's such a low frequency mount weather won't use it." Raven laughs.She hurtles down the ladder. Everyone sits in silence for a moment, then they converge on the ladder, hurrying down after Raven. Monroe walks over to theother ladder. I stop at the top of ours.
"Come on..." I call. She clings to the ladder. "I'm not doing this without you." She groans, and comes over.
"Fine... But if he heard all that.."
"We're screwed... but who can he tell?" I clamber down the ladder. Everyone watches Raven with feverish excitement, as she fiddles with the radio, twisting knobs and buttons dramatically. Lights flash different colours.
"Good job the ark uses super low frequencies." She laughs, then frowns. "What does the solar flares mean?"
"We'll find out." Lexa sighs, leaning into her seat.

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