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People slowly file out, to tell parents, to give speeches, to plan. Thelonius sinks into a chair. Suddenly it's just us and Sinclair.
Which of you did this?" he sighs, not looking at us, "Which of you sent her down?"
"Raven or Charlotte?" I hiss. "You sent a 12 year old, AND an EIGHT year old. I sent a 19 year old."
"WE sent a 19 year old." Smirks Kane, stepping closer to me. Thelonius stands up, and glares down at us.
"TRAITORS!" He yells, "She COULD'VE DIED! We NEEDED her HERE." Sinclair shuffles his feet awkwardly.
"Actually sir, whilst Raven is an incredibly skilled mechanic, I'd much rather she, as my favourite, was alive on Earth."
"Shut up Sinclair." He glares, and Sinclair begins to fiddle with the radio knobs. "What did you send her down with?"
"More than you sent OUR kids with... a few bits of long life food, water, guns, all the kids prescription meds, normal medication, first aid kit, messages from the families... oh my gods." The pride and anger deflates. I sink against Kane. He puts a hand on my shoulders.
"How do we tell Bryan his boyfriend... how?" tears prick my eyes.
"We don't. Not yet."
"Those grounders will kill him," Thelonius's harsh voice whispers, "Just like they killed MY son."
"YOUR son wasn't the only one down there Thelonius." I glare at the man I used to call friend. Who sent my kid to die, who floated my husband, who arrested my daughter. I pull my shoulder's high, and meet his gaze with the harshest I can muster. "I don't make it a habit of agreeing with psychotic kids, but we've floated to many people Thelonius. We're not innocent either. At least you know what happened to your kid." I strut out, throwing the door open, letting it close before running home. I slam that door, and sink to the sofa, sobbing. A tentative knock on the door stops me mid-wail. "Abby? Abby it's me... Marcus." I shakily stand up and open the door.
He wraps his arms around me, and kisses the top of my head. "It's going to be OK." He whispers over and over as I cry into his chest. His shirt becomes soaked.


It's mid afternoon by the time we finally make it to camp. Monroe, after swapping Drew to Miller and Monty, spent the last few hours bringing up the rear, alert as the rest of weren't. I'm just aware of Bellamy's big palm in mine. I cling to it like it's my only tie to sanity. Octavia dozes in Lincoln's arms, head lolling on his shoulder. As we climb to the half built gate we hear the cheers of the guards, which turn into the cheers of the delinquents. They hurry through the gates, and Sterling scoops up a slipping Drew and hurries him into camp, throwing a proud smile at Monroe, who rolls her eyes at us. She really, really isn't into guys. As we duck under the gate Harper runs and practically leaps into Monty's arms. He wraps her up and holds her tight. They don't let go. "I thought I lost you..." she whispers in his ear. Her lips brush it, and we feel the embarrassment radiate. Miller smirks, crossing his fingers. "I'm here now." Monty whispers back. Miller bobs his head, waiting for something. They do nothing, so he laughs, rolling his eyes. "HEY HARPER!" He laughs, turning their hug into a group hug. Jasper, finally having got the message, runs through the camp, pushing kids out the way. "Octavia!" He yells, skidding to a stop. I have to bite my lip to stop myself laughing, and Bellamy snorts. "You're alive!" Then the penny drops, and his smile fades. "Who's this?"
"This?" her voice is falsely positive. "This is Lincoln. He saved my life." She barely lifts her head off his shoulder. Jasper's face darkens, and he glances at us for support. I have to turn away to stop myself from laughing directly in his face.
"I'm sure I can take you from here..." he holds out his arms, as if Lincoln would just pass Octavia over. I can't hold the laughter in any longer, and it pours out my sides. I giggle uncontrollably, leaning against Bellamy. The other's look at me like I'm mad, although Monroe's cheeks become hamsters. She turns away, swamped by small kids. Amaya, the eight year old, hugs her.
"You don't need to." Bellamy's voice is pinched, he's trying to hold in his laughter to. "Lincoln is coming into camp." Jasper's jaw drops, and he stares at us like we've all gone mad. I probably have, I can't stop laughing at something that's really not funny. "I owe him everything. Octavia's life, Clarke's life, my life... oh... EVERYBODY OWES MONROE THEIR LIVES!" he yells to the camp. She blushes, and ducks behind the gate closing mechanism, fiddling with the pulleys. Amaya giggles, and follows her. Jasper stomps away, back to his and his friends tent. Monty runs after him, followed by Harper and Miller, who swarm around Jasper as they rush into their tent. Harper ducks back out again, rolling her eyes. "Boys..." Fox laughs with her, walking over. "You want to take to her tent?" she smiles at Lincoln. Lincoln nods, following Harper and Fox to a small tent, dwarfed by a larger one next to it, Harper pauses outside it. "That's you three, we've fixed the frame. You've also got Raven." I nod. We walk over, and I nudge Bellamy with my elbow. "Can't believe you let him in."
"You underestimate my love, princess." I laugh, and pull his head down, and press my chapped lips against his. His hand presses against the small of my back. My spine tingles and I finally feel relaxed. "I think I deserve more than a kiss princess." He whispers huskily in my ear. I laugh.
"We haven't got a bed Bell... We're sharing a room."
"I don't care..." He presses his lips harder against mine, tongue waging war with mine.
"Gross." Monroe groans as she slides past us, properly into the tent.


Warm hands tap my back, and I'm pulled away from fixing the heater in the dropship. "They're back." Murphy says..
"I know." I laugh, but it hurts to laugh. "I just... I just... I CAME TO EARTH for that boy... And he'd moved on." I hear him sigh, and he sinks down next to me, putting an arm over my shoulder. He squeezes my far shoulder with his hand.
"That takes guts. You're brave Raven, and if he doesn't respect you enough for that, then he doesn't deserve you." He says, scraping the rust off the well worn words.
"You always say that." I half sob, half giggle.
"Well someone has a habit of dating assholes." He laughs. I blush. He points at the radio. "And you've got a job to do... we can kill him later." I don't deserve a friend like him.


We sit staring at the radio. Hoping. Hoping that they'll say that they're all back. The air's going to be rationed tomorrow. I won't have time to wait by radios waiting for Clarke, I'll have patients to see. Kane dozes in the chair next to me.

"Come in ark station, it's Raven." I grab the radio, and press the button with all the strength I can muster.
"Are they alive?" My hand shakes on the radio. Kane jerks awake, and leans forward, warm shoulder brushing mine.
"Yes... Although Drew is unconscious and Octavia is injured due to-"
"Shut up. Go on Raven." I snap.
"She played with poisonous butterflies, and now her GROUNDER boyfriend is in the camp helping her whilst Clarke helps Drew. Drew should make a full recovery, apparently his pupils are responsive and she can see no obvious issues beyond the fact he's unconious... And Chancellor?" Thelonius burns red, not wanting to be insulted by four people in one day. "Your son was gay, or bi... If you didn't even know your son, get your nose out of our business since you're not here. We will be following grounder law as soon as we can." She spits down the radio, the venom practically melting the radio in my hand. Her tone quickly flicks back to perky again. "Bye Abby." The radio buzzes dry static.
I smirk, and ignoring everyone else, grab Kane's hand and run out the room, dragging him behind me. I push him gently against the closed door of my room, and stand on tip toe,  gently grazing his lips with mine.

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