Chapter Six.

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I sighed and plopped down on my bed, suddenly feeling sad and exhausted. The fact that Jay wouldn't even look me in the eyes hurt a whole lot more than it should've. I got up and made my way down the stairs to the backdoor. I quietly opened the sliding glass door and stepped outside. The sight of Jay kneeling, hammering posts into the ground filled my view and I shifted. Her muscles stretched with every movement, while the sweat slid deliciously down her body, causing her to have an amazing glow. My breathing shallowed as a lumped formed in the back of my throat. I cleared my throat causing her eyes to shift up and meet mine.

"Do you need something?" Her voice sounded deeper than normal, and I suddenly felt my knees go weak.

"I was actually just coming to see if you needed any help." She quirked an eyebrow and sighed.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you, Mrs. Aiko-- "

"Jhené." She nodded slightly, before going back to her work. As I watched her, I couldn't help but to feel where she was coming from. The way she was acting towards me stung.

"I'm sorry!" I suddenly yelled out, noting how my volume startled her. I crossed my arms and shifted uncomfortably under her gaze.

"Okay." She nodded slowly, silence falling over us once more.

"I overreacted." She nodded again without looking up. "I'm attracted to you!" This caught her attention, and she froze.

"It's wrong. I shouldn't like you like that. And to make things even weirder; I'm your teacher! I could get fired, I could.. I could go to jail. It's not legal. Plus, we just met today. We barely know each other." She chuckled and got up, dusting her hands on her pants.

"Which is exactly why you're overreacting," She paused and made her way over to gate, shaking it a little as she tested its sturdiness. "once again." She continued as she let go of the shaky gate and unzipped the top of her overalls, allowing them to hang freely around her waist, before pulling off her wife-beater. I bit my lip and stared at her abs. My mind slowly drifted to naughty thoughts as I felt myself grow wet.

"Mrs. Aiko." I shook my head and focused on her confused look. "Do you want this gate replaced?" I shrugged, feeling defeated. Suddenly, I knew why she was so upset with me. Her giving me the cold shoulder made me want to cry.

"Why don't you take a break? It's been almost an hour, and it's kind of hot out here." Her mouth curved into a small smile and she nodded. She leaned down and grabbed her wife-beater from the ground before making her way to the backdoor of the house. She slid opened the door for me and began to step in after me until I stopped her.

"Your boots." She chuckled and took them off, along with her dirty overalls, leaving her in boxer briefs and a sports bra.

"Is this okay?" I bit my cheek to keep myself from moaning as I distractedly nodded.

"Can we talk about what happened today? I just want to start over." She didn't respond as made her way to the couch, patting the seat next to her. I walked slowly over to her and sat down on the couch, turning my body towards hers.

"I'll start." I nodded and allowed her to continue.

"I'm sorry that I made you uncomfortable. But it was weird for me too. I mean I think you're unbelievably attractive, and you really interest me but I would never stalk you or invade your personal space, especially know that I see how uncomfortable you are around me. So when you ran out the classroom today, I decided to back off. I mean we've known each other for one day. And yes, the attraction is very much there but it could be a little crush. It's nothing permanent. So why don't we just not think about it, slow down, and like you said, 'start over'." It surprised me just how mature she was being about the situation but I couldn't help but to agree with every word. The attraction was and still is very much there, but that didn't mean had to act on it. It had only been a day, and she's was just an attractive girl. It wasn't like it was love at first sight.

I smiled at her and agreed. "Okay." She returned the smile and reached her hand out.

"I'm Jasmine Cortez, but call me Jay." I grabbed her hand and shook it gently.

"I'm Jhené, Jhené Aiko." Her smiled widened.

"Very nice to meet you, Mrs. Aiko." I giggled at her formalness.

It was refreshing to not feel so guilty about what had happened. But it wasn't that I was feeling guilty about the flirting, it was the fact that I had made her upset that really got to me. We talked for a while, before she got up and went back to work, while I watched. The concentrated look on her face made me admire her just a little more. I loved how dedicated she was. I loved how mature she was. But come to think of it, I was starting to love a lot of things about this girl.

Alright , don't hate me . I know this chapter is kind of short but most of the drama/action will be in Jay's POV . I just wanted you to get a feel on how Jhené felt on the situation . I hope you stay tuned , and continued to vote and comment . Until next time . To be continued ;)

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