Chapter Fourteen.

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Over the next few weeks, Jay and I had everything planned out. Jay had immediately set more appointments so she could earn more money for us to travel to Miami, while I put in hours after school, at carnivals, basketball games and such to earn extra money. I would also ask Drew for money here and there, telling him that I wanted a new pair of shoes, or some new jewelry, when in reality it was going into the funds that would hold Jay and I over until we both had stable jobs. And also the threats had stopped. Only because Jay had finally figured out who had wrecked my car, which Drew wasn't too happy about, and began flirting with her on a regular to keep her off our backs. It irritated the fuck out of me to figure out that it was the same petty bitch that tried to butter me up with some goddamn cookies. I guess she wasn't too happy knowing that not only had I embarrassed her in front of the class, but I had Jay, too. But I was happy to know that everything was finally falling into place. Of course, it was wrong of me to take Drew's money when I was going to leave him. But I had to do what I had to do. Plus, it didn't seem as though he would miss me very much since every night he's been coming home drunk with hickeys all over his neck.

He thinks that I just don't notice them, but in reality I just don't care enough to confront him about it. I walked into the front door and set my keys on the mantel as Drew came down the stairs.

                  "Hey, honey." I smiled, fake of course, and looked up at his solemn expression.  

                  "Hey." He came down the stairs and hugged me tenderly.

                  "Can we talk?" I raised an eyebrow and nodded hesitantly. He walked over to the living room couch and sat down, motioning for me to follow him. I obeyed and sat next to him as he stared at me. I looked around awkwardly as I waited for him to speak. I hated when he stared at me. It always gave me an uncomfortable chill. Unlike when Jay stared at me, the look of admiration and love on her face always made me smile, and slowly fall more in love with her.

                  "Drew, I'm tired. Can we get this over with?" He sighed and began to nervously bite his fingernails.

                  "You're going to hate me." I raised an eyebrow once more and sighed.


                  "I cheated on you!" I smiled and turned my head to look at him. He stared at me with a look that gave off the impression that he was about to shit his pants. I tapped his head and leaned close to his ear. I could hear his breathing hitch as I got closer.

                  "I know." I whispered softly into his ear and tilted backwards wanting to see the shocked look on his face. "Wasn't expecting that, were you?" He slowly shook his head in shock as he stared at me. It was finally my chance to get away. I didn't need an excuse; he gave me more than a reason to leave him and be with the one I truly love.

                  "I want a divorce." His eyes widened as he began to plead for us to talk about this. "Drew, I can't anymore. I tried and I tried to love you again, I really did. But I just don't feel it. I need to leave, I need to be happy. We fight, a lot. And I know you're not happy. So be free. Do what you want. But don't force yourself to be with me because I'm safe and you know that I won't leave, go explore. Go find someone who can love you the way you deserve to be loved." Tears slipped down my face as I gently brushed my fingers against his jaw line. He smiled and stood up, enveloping me into his strong arms.

                  "Thank you." I giggled and held him closer. He pulled me an arms length away before he began to speak.

                  "Wait..." He drifted off and looked down, a nervous look plastered on his defined features. "Is there someone else?" I sighed and smiled sadly as I nodded my head. I would never tell him who it was but he at least deserved to know if there was someone else.

                  "Yes..." He smiled back and nodded understandingly. He stared into my eyes as silence filled the room. He smashed his lips against mine and began kissing me with all the passion he could muster. I stood there in shock, not kissing back at all. He eventually pulled away and replaced the sad smile that had slipped from his face.

                  "I'm sorry. I just needed one last kiss." I responded with a small 'it's okay' and moved from his arms. "So we just move on? Like-" I cut him off with the wave of my hand.

                  "I'm leaving California. I'm going somewhere more suitable for me. So don't worry. I'll be gone by next month." He nodded and looked away as he awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

                  "Well do you need anything..." I bit my lip softly and shuffled my feet. I felt awful for what I was about to do but once again, I had to do what I had to do.

                  "I need a little more money." I looked away and sighed, feeling embarrassed. He chuckled and lifted my head.

                  "Don't be embarrassed. I understand." I nodded and watched as he pulled out his credit card and gave it to me. "There's about ten thousand dollars in this account. It was for our honeymoon but..." Tears welled up in my eyes as I went to hand the card back to him. He shook his head and wiped the unshed tears from my eyes. "No, I don't need it. You do. I just want you happy, Jhené." I smiled and wrapped my arms around his once more. It was all too good to be true. But I was happy. Finally, I was happy; I was so fuckin' happy.

Alright , the next few chapter are gonna to have some drama . I hope you enjoy them and remember to vote and comment . Until next time . To be continued ... ;) 

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