Chapter Thirteen.

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"Run away with me." Those words completely threw me off guard, leaving me frozen in place.

"What?" She stared up at me and sighed. I wiped the tears away from her stained cheeks as she began to explain.

"You're right. I don't think I would ever be able to leave my husband for you." The pain struck hard as those words left her lips, leaving me feeling as through a wooden stake had just been driven through my heart. I went to move away from her when she stopped me. "Because I'm too much of a coward to do something that actually makes me happy. I'm too much of a coward to break the rules for someone I'm falling in love with, who I know loves me back." I stared into her eyes as she took a deep breath. "I don't want to be a coward anymore, I want you. I want this. So, please, before I lose the courage I have. Will you run away with me?"

"But, h-how? When? I still have to finish school. What about Dre--." She silenced me with her hand and looked at me with a softened expression.

"We'll plan everything, after you answer my question. Will you run away with me?" I stared at her for a second, thinking about my choices. I could stay here and have to hide what I have with Jhené, and have to deal with Steve every day. Or I could leave, and have Jhené all to myself. I thought for a while before I decided that maybe I should do what's best for me, what makes me happy, too.

"Okay." I nodded and she jumped up, wrapping me into the tightest hug known to man. "But where are we going to go?" She jumped off of me and smiled wide.

"Miami." I raised an eyebrow as she began to explain. "It's far from here. Plus, you said that's where you've always wanted to live." I nodded and smiled lightly at the fact that she remembered.

"That's where my dream college is." She smiled back and nodded understandingly. "Okay, but when? Where will we get the money? I mean I have some saved from a few jobs I did but that won't be enough." She thought for a moment before her smiled turned into a grin.

"My father. He left me money when I was younger. It's in a bank account that no one knows about except me. Not even my mother knows. I have enough in that account for an apartment and stuff for a few months. But that's it." I nodded and sighed as I thought.

"I can get us there." I replied with a small smile. "I just have to save up a little more money, and I can pay for the trip there. But with your money, that means we need to get jobs like as soon as we get there." She nodded and climbed back onto the couch to sit next to me.

"So, we'll start looking for jobs now. I could maybe get a teaching job and maybe you can work in landscaping while you still go to college and get your education." I nodded and looked over at her.

"Wait, what about our little 'stalker'?" She smiled and looked at me.

"We only have two more months here. We'll just lay low. Stick to texting, seeing each other here after school. But make sure you go around the back, and not be seen." I nodded and wrapped my arms around her frail body.

"We're really going to do this?" She stared into my eyes and nodded without any hesitation.

"Only if you really want to." I wrapped my arms tighter around her as she laid her head on my chest.

"I do. But you have to promise me one thing." I paused, until I caught her attention. "Promise that through it all, you won't give up on me." She stared deep into my eyes before leaning up and passionately kissing my lips.

"Promise me you'll fight with me, and let me win even though you know I lost, promise me you'll always treat me like your queen, promise me that even if you come home from work one day and I have a robe on, with curlers in my hair, and a mud mask on that you'll still think I'm beautiful, and promise me you'll always love me." I chuckled at the visuals that popped into my head before I pecked her lips and whispered 'I promise' softly into her ear. She giggled and nodded, replying with a small 'I promise, too.' and just like that the plan was in motion. I was about to run away with a girl I barely knew, but I was already falling deeply in love with. Yet, I still couldn't come up with one reason why that was a bad thing.

Alright , I hope you enjoyed this chapter . The next chapter will jump a little in time but not too much . Remember to vote and comment . Until next time . To be continued ... ;)

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