Chapter Eight.

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The bell for the end of lunch rang, startling me out of my thoughts. The classroom slowly filled with students as I wrote the lesson plan on the board. The late bell rang as soon as the door opened and Jay walked into the room. The look on her face showed anger, and defeat.

"You're late." She rolled her eyes and stayed silent. I raised an eyebrow and watched her walk to her desk. She dropped her bag nosily and made a scene of sitting down.

"Please, everyone, ignore the rude student in the back of the room and clear your desk. Pop quiz!" The sound of students groaning, and shuffling papers filled my ear causing me to smirk. Even though I was being cocky in front of my students, deep down it confused the hell out of me the way Jay was acting. It seemed like she was pissed off. I walked down the isles, handing out the test as Jay's eyes stayed on her desk. I sighed and made my way back to my desk.

I sat down and looked through my email account, making sure I received the proper documents from my first period students. I relaxed as the same blonde who used to be in my second period class, the teacher's pet, Amanda, made her way to my desk and set down her quiz. She beamed at me and turned around, making her way back to her desk.

I rolled my eyes and continued searching through my email. I searched until I caught the sight of Jay getting out her seat and making her way to me. She set the paper on my desk and began to walk away but I grabbed her wrist gently.

"See me after class." She nodded, reluctantly, and walked back to her desk. The rest of class was filled with the students working on the history projects that I had assigned, with the exception of Jay. She sat alone at her desk, doodling on a piece of scratch paper.

The bell for the last class of the day broke the conversations of the students as they began to pack up. The class dispersed with the boys' winking and the girls' waving shyly. I waved at the girls' and ignored the horny temptation of the boys'. Soon enough, the class was empty. Luckily, it was Friday, meaning I didn't have a fourth period.

"What'd you want to see me for?" I quirked an eyebrow and stared at her for a while.

"What's wrong, Jay?" She shook her head and looked away from me. I got up from the leather seat, my heels clicking against the hardwood floors as I made my way over to her. I gripped her jaw and pulled her face to make her look me in the eyes.

"Jay." I stated wearily. It was supposed to come out more stern but, of course, my body disobeyed me. She sighed and stared into my eyes. I stared back, feeling an overwhelming sense of pleasure from the look she was giving me. I ignored those thoughts and waited for her to speak. She didn't, which caused me to continue.

"Jay--" Her lips mashing against mine cut me off and I gasped into her mouth. I began to pull away as she slid her tongue gently across my bottom lip. I groaned and let her in, finally giving into her. I couldn't help but to face the fact that I couldn't stop what I felt for this girl.

Her tongue pushed and battled against mine, fighting for dominance. She gripped my sides gently and massaged my hips. I melted into her touch, deepening her kiss. We pulled away breathless. I could feel the puffiness of my lips from the passionate kiss. My head swam with many thoughts as the feeling of my soaked panties rubbing against my throbbing core caught my attention.

"I want you, okay?" I nodded slowly to show her I was listening. "I know this is wrong but I don't want to stop before its' even begun." My eyes widened. My lungs expanded hastily, trying to suck in as much air as possible. "Please..." She drifted off. "Try this with me."

"Okay." The word slipped through my lips before I could even think about it. But in all honesty, I didn't have even the slightest feeling of regret. I wanted this. All my life I had been doing things for everyone else because that's what they wanted, or what they needed. It was time to do something for me. It was time to make myself happy, and it started with her.

Alright , this chapter is really fuckin' short . But finally , I can get on with the plot . Shit is gonna hit the roof soon but for right now . The story is gonna focus on Jhené and Jay . I hope you enjoyed . Until next time . To be continued ... ;)

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