Chapter Sixteen.

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                  "Drew." He sighed and stared at the wall, looking as if he was going to cry. I struggled to get up before my legs gave out. I frowned and cursed Jay for being so damn talented. I sighed and grabbed my panties from the floor.  I quickly pulled them on and sighed. "What are you doing here?" He shook his head as his shoulder sagged.

                  "This is her; the 'someone else'?" He looked at me expectantly and I nodded slowly. He nodded and looked at her with angry eyes.

                  "I let you into my fuckin' house, thinking you were working for me. Not fucking my fuckin' wife!" He angrily stocked over to her and got in her face. I took a step forward to intervene when Jay's angered voice stopped me.

                  "Back. The. Fuck. Up." Her jaw clenched and she raised an eyebrow, threatening him to test her. I stayed in place, afraid of the scene that was about to unfold before me.

                  "You honestly think you fuckin' scare me. Some dyke prying on married fuckin' women?" She laughed without any humor before getting even closer to his face.

                  "Maybe if you treated her right, you wouldn't have to worry about her leaving your cheatin' ass." He sneered and raised his hand to hit her when I finally got my feet to move and stepped between them.

                  "Jay! Stop!" I gently pushed her as she stepped back, her eyes still locked on Drew. "And Drew, you told me you understood. You wanted this as much as I do." He ripped his eyes from Jay and stared down at me.

                  "You honestly think I want to lose you, Jhené? No! I agreed because I just wanted to make you happy. I want you, Jhené. I deserve you a lot fuckin' more than she does!" He pointed his index finger in Jay's face and she angrily slapped it away.

                  "Don't put your fuckin' finger in my face." She scowled at him and he returned the favor. I groaned and pushed her away to make her sit on the bed. She disobeyed until she met my eyes, and childishly plopped down on the bed.

                  "See. She acts like a fucking child, Jhené! This is honestly who you want to divorce me for." I angrily turned to him and stomped over, getting in his face. He had no fuckin' right to try to point fingers.

                  "You honestly want to talk, Drew? What happened when I didn't want to go to the fuckin' carnival with you? You stomped around the house all fuckin' day pouting, and crying. What happened when I didn't want to have a threesome with you? You called your fucking mother to try to convince me. You called your fucking mother, your mother? Really, Drew? Who the hell calls their fucking mother because their girlfriend doesn't want to have a threesome?!" I paused as he stared at the ground. "You can't call someone childish when you act like a fucking ten year old. And not only that but you don't get to choose how I live my life. You weren't worried about me when you fucked some girl, did you?" I didn't give him a chance to answer as I continued. "I'm leaving because I'm in love with her. She makes me so fuckin' happy; happier than you've ever made me. And I'm sorry that you don't want me to go, but you should've realized that when you had the chance to make me happy. YOU did, Drew. You had the chance to change my mind, so many times. And you blew EVERY single one. So, I'm leaving. And no matter what you say, no matter what you do. I'm. Going. To. Be. Happy." I took a deep breath as I finished my rant and he stared at me. He stared at me for the longest time before he nodded and left the room.

My eyes widened and I followed him down the stairs with Jay hot on my heels. Though, I didn't mind. I needed her with me, and deep down I knew that, that was the reason she followed me; she knew just how much I needed her to be there for me.

                  "That's it? You're just goin' to walk out?" He sighed and turned to me with the saddest look I had ever seen.

                  "There's nothing else I can do, Jhené. I knew she would be here. I just didn't know she would be fucking you on our bed." I shook my head and immediately stopped him.

                  "She wasn't fucking me." I paused and looked over at Jay smiling softly. "She was making love to me." I heard a small chuckle from him and I turned back.

                  "Well, I didn't know you two would be making love in our bed. But I finally understand." He paused and smiled lightly at my confused expression. "I thought I could come in here and immediately win you back. I thought I could show you how much I wanted you and you would just come running back into my arms. But I was so wrong." He walked past me and stretched out his hand to Jay as she stared at it. She hesitated before grabbing his hand as they both shook each other's hand firmly.

                   "I thought that when you said there was someone else, that they were just a fling. I thought that you wanted to leave at first, but you would change your mind. I didn't realize that you actually were and still is in love with someone else." He stared Jay in the eyes as a tear slipped from his eyes. "And who the hell am I to try to break up something, just because I don't have it?" He paused and wiped the escaped tears. "You're lucky. I'm selfish. But I'm not going to try to stop you. So I'm leaving. I suspect you guys will be gone soon, so for the wait I'll be in our summer house, drowning in my sorrow." He chuckled and pulled me into a hug, before kissing my forehead and letting go.

                  "Go be happy.... You deserve it." He smiled at us once more before walking out the door, getting into his car, and backing out of the driveway. I turned back to Jay and stared at her with the same shocked expression that she wore. Eventually I couldn't hold it in anymore, and I let out a small giggle. She broke through her shock and smiled, kissing my lightly. I wrapped my arms around her neck and jumped, wrapping my legs around her body once again.

                  "You're not done, yet." I whispered softly into her ear and tilted back to see the desire and love reappear on her chiseled features. I blinked and before I knew it, she was throwing me back onto the bed and getting back to work.  

Well damn . Didn't expect that ? I know . Lmao . As usual , I hope you enjoyed this chapter and let me know what you thought in the comments . Thank you all for voting and commenting , it means a fuckin' lot to me . Until next time . To be continued ... ;) 

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