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1 year later...

Your PoV

"Hey Sana" I ran toward her "What's up? I don't see you around anymore. Everytime I see you, you would always walk away" I told her that and she gave me a death glare "So what if I walk away? Leave me alone" She has always been cold since that night...the night she confessed. I'll be and Somi, our relationship isn't stable and we ended it and better off friends. I am really glad that she agrees

As I walk to class, I saw Nayeon and Jeongyeon and ran up to them. "YO 2Yeons"

"Hey Jay, what's up? Lunch together later?" Nayeon asked flashing her bunny smile and I shook my head. "Skipping meals? It's been a year you keep skipping meals and always replace with it by working out" I lifted my shirt to show them my abs and said "It is worth it though" I laughed

"Eat. Today. No. Buts" Jeongyeon said and I guess have no other choice. "Ne Jeongyeon Noona"


I walk toward the girls' usual table and sit and I saw Sana

"Hey Squirrel!" I said and the girls look at me and Sana, she just ignored me

"I am done, I am going to the library to study" Sana said and stood up and went off

"What is with her?" I said to Nayeon and Jihyo "She acts gloomy if I am around"

"Aish, pabo, where is your meal? And Sana has been like that since you and Somi are together"
Nayeon said while eating her sandwich

"But me and Somi broke up" I heard Nayeon choked on her food and everyone stared at me with huge wide eyes...

"Since when?" Dahyun asked

"Since last two weeks" 

"Ahh, no wonder we rarely see you both together again" Jeongyeon said

"Shut up ostrich" I grinned

"You are not sad or heartbroken?" Mina asked and I just shook my head "Why? Most people that goes through relationship, will either, 1. Be depressed by it 2. Cry and lock themselves in their room or 3. Eat ice cream to relieve the pain"

"Okay I get it for the love of Sherlock. I am not heartbroken by it because we both agreed that the relationship isn't going well and for the past year, I have been worried for Sana ever since that night" I said almost making myself shout in the canteen

"That night? What night?" Tzuyu and Chaeyoung asked in unison

"The night where we went to a bar...she was pretty drunk remember?" Of course, everyone except the maknaes and Mina nodded "I took her home...and when I went to take the medicines for her hungover...she confessed about falling in love with me, thinking I was Nayeon noona. She cried and cried till she fell asleep and in the next morning, I lied about Nayeon saying you were drunk and she told me to leave. Next thing I know...she keeps avoiding me, until right now" I noticed everyone nodded and I myself, looked down feeling guilty


All the girls groaned...saying in unison "CLASS!!!" 

--After school-- 

Sana's PoV

After the bell rings, I went to the music room to play some music and while I was walking there, I bump into him and I turned away to leave, before I could do it, he grabbed my wrist

"Stop avoiding me. Do you know how much it hurts? First time we met, we were so close and now, it is fading away" I hold back my tears and turned to him

"What do you want? Go find your girlfriend" I said to him in a cold tone

"What girlfriend? I broke up with Somi two weeks ago" I was shocked when he said that. "Why do you keep going to the music room after school?"

"It's where I can clear my head...playing music can calm me down" I said while looking at him and went inside the music room and he followed

I sat down in front of the piano...I don't know what to play and look at my phone to see any tracks I can play with and there is, Stay by BlackPink

"Sounds good" he said "what song is it?"

"Stay by BlackPink" and he nodded and listened to it while rocking his head left and right..."Please stay..." I mumbled hoping he listened to what I said

I stopped playing the piano and he turned himself to me

"I am sorry for what happened that night. I didn't meant to lie and I heard every thing you said. When you started avoiding me, do you know how much it hurts here?" He pointed his finger to his heart and I saw his tears falling down his cheeks "I don't wanna lose you Squirrel. Ever since that night, I haven't been focusing on my relationship with Somi because I'm too worried bout you" he lied his head on my shoulder and I hold his hand 

"I-I'm sorry too Jay. After that night, all I wanted is too never see you. I felt really hurt after telling you to leave. I'm a fool" I started crying and he cupped his hands on my face and wipe the tears away

"You're not a fool, I am" 

After that, we are back to being friends...even though I still have feelings for him but I don't like the fact I had to avoid him this past year.

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