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Tzuyu's PoV

The opening of the doors to the cinema is still 20 minutes away and my battery, that sucks.

"Oppa bodyguard" I said and he glared at me and said "I have a name's Le-I mean it's Jaewon" I widen my eyes when he was going to say his real name

Mina leaned on me and whispered "Did...he almost say his real name in front of us?" I nodded and Mina hit Leehun in the head "Pabo!" he just grinned under the mask

"Oppa, borrow your phone. I wanna play games. Do you have Player Unknown Battle Ground?" he nodded but before he pass his phone "Don't use my profile, you will make my win streak gone" I grinned and took his phone to play


--10 minutes before start--

"I'm going to buy snacks, Oppa, accompany me? Chaeyoung too" I got up and went to the vendor with Leehun oppa behind me and Chaeyoung too.

We ordered 3 large popcorns and 9 drinks, thanks to Leehun oppa for buying it "Oppa, gamsahabnida" I helped him with the drinks and pass it along the girls

--Inside the theater--

"Oppa, you seat with Tzuyu beside Sana and Chan. Mina, Chaeyoung, Dahyun and Momo seat behind Sana and Chan. Me and the 2Yeon will seat in front of those two" Jihyo said while pointing out the seats before Sana comes in. "Now, go!"

We all sat in the designated seats and I passed Leehun Oppa the popcorn "Here you go" I said in a cheery voice

"You're cheerful. When we first met, you're kind of...savage, cold, evil and other things a savage Yoda does" he smirked while grinning and I pinch his arm causing him to yelp 

Few minutes later, we saw Sana and Chan and I kicked the sit in front of me hard because the 2Yeon and JiHyo were to busy talking to each other

Your PoV

Jjinja, Tzuyu is the ultimate savage. She kicked the chair in front of her until some popcorn fell out from Jeongyeon's hands and I couldn't help but laugh a bit. When Sana and Chan pass through us to get to their seats, I "kinda" trip him making him fall a bit 

I lean my head to Tzuyu and whisper "This is just the beginning Tzuyu" I smirked and fist bump Tzuyu and continue to eating my popcorn even though the guy named Chan gave me the death glare 

Chaeyoung's PoV

Chan and Sana is sitting in front of us, I grinned giving an evil smirk to Mina and she smile back. HELP ME SHE KEEPS MAKING MY HEART FLUTTER. I took a bit of popcorn and put it on my hand after the lights in the theater went dark, once it did, I put some on his head secretly and went back to my sit like it didn't happen

"I don't like him for Sana, I prefer she belongs to Leehun oppa" I whisper to Mina and she nodded and she pulled out a fake worm or some sort and put it on his shoulder without him knowing

--After movie ends--

We watch them got up and some of the popcorn fell off his head and he looked back at us. As he was brushing his hair, he noticed the fake insect of some sort and jumped and the 2Yeon dumped the bucket of popcorn of his head and Jihyo dumped an ice tea on his head too

"Girls, what the heck?!" Sana shouted

"He's a playboy, of all people why him Sana?!" Jihyo shouted

"You girls think I don't know he is a playboy? I DON'T LIKE HIM HE IS JUST MY FRIEND!" our heads were down and Chan left

"Let's go to the car" Leehun suggested and we just nodded our head

--Inside the car--

"We are sorry Sana, we didn't meant to...interrupt" Nayeon said

"Okay, let's forget bout it and get late dinner?" Leehun said while starting the car

"Call!!!" We all said in unison

"I...I still can't forget him" Sana said while heads down "He promised...he would be there. It's been 3 years, he never show up" Sana said while crying

Your PoV

I look over to Sana, I can't feel anything except for not feeling guilty. I fastened her seatbelt and wipe her tears while the other girls are noticing

"Whoever he is, he must be lucky to have you. So cheer up, who knows he will come back" I smiled and she look up to me

"You sound like him, why use mask?" she asked with puffy eyes

"It's a secret" I smiled behind the mask and drove off to a restaurant to eat with the girls

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