Be Happy

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Sana's PoV

Our bodyguard drives us to the restaurant to eat dinner. In the car, I was wondering why he keeps wearing mask, I mean who does that? Jeongyeon decided to break the silence

"Sana, don't cry anymore. We know you miss him more than we do. He'll come back like Jaewon said" I just nodded 

--At the restaurant--

"I'll use the CR for a bit, order without me" I said getting up to the comfort room

I went inside and wipe all my make up and re-apply when a text came through

From: Unknown
Hey Sana, you might forgotten about me but I didn't forget you. Congratulations on your debut with the rest of girls. Be happy okay? Don't cry, don't be sad as I will always be there for you!

I started crying and smiled 

To: Unknown
Pabo, why now? Do you know how much I miss you? Where are you?

From: Unknown
Where am I? In your heart perhaps? I have to go, we'll talk soon. Don't forget, be happy

I smiled, wiping my tears and kept his phone number and changed his name to Jay

I went out and see the girls have started eating without me so I rushed there "Yaa, you girls didn't bother to wait for me" they all just laugh and I look at our bodyguard who is staring at his phone "Hey, you're not eating?" he shook his head

--Few minutes earlier--

Your PoV

"I'll use the CR for a bit, order without me" Sana said and we sat down in our seats 

I nudged Dahyun by the arms "Give me Sana's number, I want to text her" I smiled and hand Dahyun my phone so that she could enter her number on my phone and of course, I saved it naming Clumsy Squirrel and I texted her

To: Clumsy Squirrel
Hey Sana, you might forgotten about me but I didn't forget you. Congratulations on your debut with the rest of girls. Be happy okay? Don't cry, don't be sad as I will always be there for you!  

Ting! I checked my phone, she sure reply fast for a clumsy squirrel

From: Clumsy Squirrel
Pabo, why now? Do you know how much I miss you? Where are you? 

She will kill me once she found out I am always with her this time around.  

To: Clumsy Squirrel

Where am I? In your heart perhaps? I have to go, we'll talk soon. Don't forget, be happy  

And I saw Sana got out shouting because we ate without her and I just smiled behind the mask "You're not eating?" I shook my head

Be Happy Sana, I'll be here to protect you. I said in my mind

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