Your Choice

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Sana's PoV

We are finally back in Korea after our trip to Switzerland. It was fun and all but tiring too. When we got out, a guy approach me, it was none other than Jungkook but he walked past me and grab Jay by the collar and punch his face. Felix and Jisung noticed and ran alongside him defending Jay

"You're so gonna get it today" Jungkook stroke his hair back while Jay wipe the blood of his lips "I was going to tell you that you won't be assign to be Twice's bodyguard but you hung up on me. I don't want you near my baby girl anymore"

"Then take her. Easy as that right?" Jay said looking back at him and Jungkook turned around to me

"Sana, take your luggage to my car. I'll drive you back to the dorm. You don't have to be near this...nobody" Jungkook pointed to Jay. I notice Jay is clenching his fist and giving him the dead glare

"Just go Sana. Let's try to avoid trouble here" Jihyo said and I nodded. I wish I had a choice but I don't want them to fight. While walking to Jungkook's car, he held my hand and I push it back

"What's your problem?!" I shouted in the parking lot and he looked at me

"My problem? My problem is that you shouldn't be with that bodyguard. He is ONLY a bodyguard nothing but that" he spat out "You shouldn't date a bodyguard Sana! Are you out of your mind?!"

"JUST DRIVE ME BACK TO JYP BUILDING" I shouted and slam the car door. I took out my phone and text Jay...wait, is it a good idea? Forget it, I'll text the others in the group chat


Squirrel: Guys...are you on?
Pingu Pingu: Wae?
Momo Hearteu Jokbal: Jokbaallll
Eagle: Momo -.-
No Jam: Present
Bunny: Present too
Tiger: Here!
Savage Yoda: I'm here, wait let me invite Felix

Savage Yoda invite FLX to 트와이스

FLX: What's up? And why am I here?
Squirrel: Idk, Tzuyu added you here
Savage Yoda: Anyways, why did Sana summon us here?
Squirrel: Where's Jihyo?
GodJihyo: I am just on, I have been comforting Jay
Squirrel: How is he? I was texting to see how he is doing
GodJihyo: To be honest, Jay isn't okay. We eavesdrop JYP calling him saying it's urgent. Worst case scenario? He might be fired from his bodyguard job of what Jungkook might send or say to JYP-nim
Eagle: Eavesdropping is so not nice leader-nim
Momo Hearteu Jokbal: I second what my baby eagle said. By the way, can anyone make jokbal after this? I'm hungry
FLX: I'll still be your bodyguard though...
Pingu Pingu: Yeah but not as fun as Jay right Tiger?
Tiger: Agree
Bunny: Agree (2)
No Jam: Agree (3)
FLX: Neomuhae I'm outta here

FLX left 트와이스
Savage Yoda invite FLX to 트와이스

No Jam: Welcome back. You cannot leave if Tzuyu will keep doing that to you
Squirrel: FOCUS! Jungkook is driving me to JYP building. I'll meet you girls there. Just keep me updated
Momo Hearteu Jokbal: Seriously? No one responded to my text about Jokbal? NEOMUHAE!
Eagle: Poor Momo

Your PoV

My jaw hurts after being punched by Jungkook but I will manage. I look at the road blankly while Jihyo is beside me trying to comfort me

"Feeling better?" I nodded "Need anything?"

"Can you leave me alone for awhile?" I said in a low tone and she nodded and sat next to Felix and went to focus on her phone like the others

I look out the window and heard my phone ringing. It was from Sana first but I decline. The next ring was from JYP so I picked it up

"Annyeong JYP-nim"

(You're heading to my building am I correct?)

"Ne JYP-nim"

(Tell the driver to speed up. I have something urgent to tell you. Once you arrive come up to office)

"Yes sir" I hung up and told the driver to drive faster to the destination


"You wish to see me sir?" I walked in to see him in his chair and giving me a bitter smile

"I'm sorry Jay're fired" I heard gasp from outside but just thought I heard wrong and look back to JYP "Jungkook from BigHit Entertainment and of course, BTS came yesterday. He told me that you were to close to Sana because she's his girlfriend? I don't believe that but to avoid press and stuff, it's better I fire you"

"How bout assigning me to another artist? That way I don't have to see Sana or Jungkook mistaking me like I'm gonna "court" his "girl" right?" I said in a firm voice

"Well that can be a good idea, I--" Before JYP could finish his sentence, someone barge in the office and I turned around to see Sana

"PD-nim, don't fire him please" Sana stood with a teary eye and suddenly, Jungkook ran in too

"I'm not firing him" JYP said smiling

"WHAT?! You goddamn old man! I told you to fire him!" Jungkook shouted and JYP looked at me

"Escort him out of this building Jay" JYP ordered and I walked to him

"Don't touch me!" I twisted his arm to his back and walk him to the lobby and throw him out...literally "HEY!"

"Don't let him in at all cost" I told the guard and he nodded

--Back to the office--

"Jay, I'll be transferring you to guard Bae Suzy is that okay?" I nodded

"Wait, why can't he guard Twice?" Sana asked in a low voice

"To avoid conflict with that boyfriend of yours Sana. I don't want the press to gang up on the two when they fight" JYP said and Sana started to cry

"It's not...not fair. Jungkook isn't...isn't mine! He is not my boyfriend! I never said yes either!" she started to shout and Jihyo burst in the room and take her out "Put Jay to guard us please" she said while walking out

"I'll take her out" Jihyo said and I nodded and Jihyo bowed and left with Sana

"'s your choice Jay. Twice, Suzy or not guard at all" JYP said

"I'll guard Twice but I'll let Felix guard Sana. I won't be near her so I don't have to be in conflict with that Jungkook because the moment he keeps doing that...I might kill him, snap his neck or other stuff" I sighed and JYP nodded

"Okay, you may go now" JYP told me

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