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Sana's PoV

I went out of my dorm to head to a mall to hangout with my friend, Chan. Believe it or not, he spends more of his trainee year than me and not yet debuted. He is nice, good looking and very very sweet and also caring. Then, my phone vibrated, receiving two text messages

From: Chan
Sana, I will be waiting near the cinema, I bought the tickets already for us to watch Black Panther. Tell me what snacks you want and I will buy them for you! My treat!

To: Chan
Ne, I will see you later. Don't buy me anything yet

From: Dubu
Sana-eonnie, where you at? We are bored at home, we finished the movie too

To: Dubu
I'm going to the mall to watch with Chan

From: Dubu
Eonnie, namulhae. Why didn't you brought us along?

To: Dubu
Mianhaeyo, next time :p

After all the texting, I realized I had arrived at the mall and go straight to the cinema


"Oh? Chan? Annyeong" I said while waving my hand

"Sana!" he pulled me into a hug

"Mianhae, I was long wasn't I?" I smiled and he just grinned saying it is okay

"Shall we wait for the movie?" I nodded and walk with him to find a sit

Dahyun's PoV

"So...where is Sana?" Jihyo asked while munching her snack

"The mall" I said "With Chan" everyone looked at me shocked, everyone except Jay

"Shall we go and sabotage their date?" Tzuyu asked with an evil grin when Jay came over knocking Tzuyu's head "YAAAA OPPA!!! I hate you!" Jay just smirk and we all laugh

"Don't sabotage anyone's date" Jay said

"We will, let's go!" Jihyo said and went to their room to change. I just looked at Jay and shrugged, I saw him left to change too so that means...I have to change

--Few minutes later--

Everyone gathered in the living room and Jay as usual, keeps looking very good in his outfits...except this time, we can see his abs through the shirt he is using

"Ya! Can't you wear anything less revealing?" I shouted at his face and he shook his head "Since when do you have those?" he lifted his shirt and pointed at his abs and we nodded

"He first got it since our JYP Academy days. He exchange his meals for that" the 2Yeon said in unison and we all ooo-ed "Just change into something else Jay...we don't want our girls here to drool over your body" he just nodded giving us a gummy smile, an innocent gummy smile

Your PoV

I cannot believe these girls...sabotaging peoples' date, daebak. After I finish changing my clothes, like the 2Yeon wanted me to, we went down to my car. 

"Wah Oppa, nice Jeep, is that yours?" Jihyo commented and I nodded "Hop in ladies" I said

While driving to the mall, Chaeyoung broke the silence

"Oppa, you have been acting weird" Chaeyoung said while glaring at me

"Wae? What did I do?" I added

"Hmm, did you start developing feelings for Sana-eonnie? I mean you agreed to come with us" she smirked and I flick her forehead

"Ya, lion, don't talk trash and I came because I have to take care of you. I'm your bodyguard remember?" I sighed and kept my eyes on the road

--The Mall--

I parked the car at an upper level in any case we go home so late because we will be third-wheeling Sana's so called date with a guy name Chan. As soon as we got off, I put on my mask so that Sana won't recognize me and the MiChaeng couple head up first to buy tickets

"Cute couple" I said making the girls look at me

"Are you jealous?" Momo smirked while eating chips "W-w-wait, where did you get that chip?" I am confused...the snack popped out of nowhere and she just grinned and we just walk to the cinema

Mina's PoV

I went up with Chaeyoung to buy tickets for all 9 of us that will disturb Sana's date

"I can't believe we will be third-wheeling Sana's "date" Chae" I said while looking at her cute face and she nodded

We arrived at the ticket counter, what was the movie again? Oh right, Black Panther. We asked the person that sells the ticket where the blonde girl sat and she pointed out...a four seater and the other two isn't occupied, hmm

"We'll buy seats around this occupied seat, 9 tickets" I said and Chaeyoung suddenly pulled my arm

"Yaaa, Mina, isn't that Sana sitting beside Chan right now?" I saw it too and nodded. I texted the others in the groupchat right away

JH: We are using the elevator as if that isn't fast enough
CY: Just hurry, we can ruin their date by sitting between them HAHAHAHA
LH: Chaeyoung-i, you are crazy, do you know that?
JY: Leave my No Jam bro alone bodyguard 
TY: I am more evil and savage than lion cub
LH: Arraseo Yoda
DH: Wait for me and Momo, she spotted jokbal along the way
NY: We arrived, meet you inside later

 We waited for the girls to come and in less than 2 minutes, they are already behind me

"Where are they?" Jihyo asked and me and Chae pointed out our fingers to the seat they are on

We went there and sit ourselves and of course, Leehun is far beside me instead of Sana

"Ohh??? What are you doing here? and the bodyguard too?" Sana asked with a confuse face 

"We came to watch Black Panther!" DubChaeng said in unison and I saw Chan scratching his nape

"You sure you aren't here to sabotage something?" Chan asked while grinning

"If they are here to sabotage, they would do it since they are in the dorm" we looked over to Leehun saying it in a deep voice and we saw Chan nod and it goes on until we wait for our time to enter the cinema

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