Birthday Plan Pt 2

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Your PoV

We finally arrive at the mall and I parked my bike at the parking lot. 

"Oppa, any ideas?" Chaeyoung asked while we are walking inside the lobby and I took off my mask and give it to her

"Use it, did you forget you're an idol?" I said and flicking her forehead softly and she pouted before using the mask "And, I only have one idea. I don't know if it will work"

"Tell me...let's drink before we walk" Chaeyoung pointed to Starbucks and I nodded


I walked up to the cashier while Chaeyoung went to find seats for both of us. I ordered what I wanted and what Chaeyoung wanted and once, I receive them, I went to Chaeyoung and hand it to her

"Tell me your idea plan oppa" she sips on her drink and I nodded

"The girls will have to distract Mina for a bit though. You know usually in weddings, they put up slideshows and songs right?" she nodded "Edit your own slideshow with your favorite moment with Mina but first start it with the rest of the girls, then your photo together lastly. If you plan on proposing too, put flower petals on her bed saying "Happy Birthday" and bunch of penguins in the back and you come out of her closet while holding a cake and approach her. Boom! I'm a genius" I said while sipping my drink

"Not bad. Can you help me with the slideshow and song?" Chaeyoung ask while doing aegyo and I nodded with a thumbs up bfore I heard my phone vibrate

From: Clumsy Squirrel
Hey Jay, I was wondering. The next 2 days will be Mina's birthday, will you be coming?

"Who is it from?" Chaeyoung asked

"Squirrel, she asks if I am coming for Mina's birthday" I showed her the text and replied her

To: Clumsy Squirrel
Ah, Sana, I can't. I'll be really busy handling things for the next days. Mianhaeyo Squirrel

"Of course I will be there...I am literally there 24/7, only Sana doesn't know" I grinned at Chaeyoung and she hit me on the shoulder making me pout

"Don't pout. It's weird" Chaeyoung laughed "Let's go!"

We walked to a nearby plushy store that Chaeyoung pointed out earlier

--Plushy Store--

"Welcome, how may I help you?" the worker ask

"Do you happen to have any penguin plushy?" the worker nodded and showed the way

"That is a lot of penguin plushy lion cub" my jaw dropped just by looking at the size and Chaeyoung pointed to the huge one. Human size maybe

"We'll get this one and a few of these" Chaeyoung said while handing me the huge plushy and a lot of tiny penguins and I widen my eyes.

"Yah, how are we going to fit all of these on my bike?" Chaeyoung laughed as I stare at her "I'm not joking"

"I called my manager, these stuff will be stored in JYP's office for the mean time. I already asked permission" she said while giving me an innocent smile as we paid for everything

We went to the lobby to meet up with Chaeyoung's manager to hand him all the plushy that will be stored in JYP's office and after that, we went back inside and I insisted going to a game store

--Game Store--

"I'll buy the PS4 and the VR. Where are the games?" I asked and they pointed out an isle and I walk there and I said to Chaeyoung "What kind of games Mina love to play?" 

"Mostly all" she said

"I will get the good ones then. Hmm, Call of duty...where is it?" I noticed all the CoD games and put them in the basket "What else? Does she like simulator games like SIMS?" she shook her head and I reached for Fallout games and Far Cry and of course, GTA 5. She is already old enough for this anyways and we went to the cashier to pay everything

"How are you so rich even though you are a bodyguard?" I just grinned when Chaeyoung asked me

"It's a secret"

After that, we ride back home and of course, I told Chaeyoung to hold the PS4 tight


I snatched my mask from Chaeyoung and went up to the dorm. Once I enter the dorm, I told the girls I am home and went to my room to stash the PS4 till Mina's birthday till I heard a knock

"Can I come in? You aren't shirtless right?" of course it is Sana

"Come in" she entered "What do you need?"

"Would you make me french fries? I almost burn the kitchen last time I tried making it" she grinned and I nodded

"Seriously, you girls need to learn how to cook before you become someone's wives" I sighed and went to the kitchen

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