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Sana's PoV

After helping taking care of Felix with Tzuyu, I went to my room and dive myself in. I searched my phone throughout the bed sheets and found it. Hmm, I'm bored. I wonder if Jay is free. So I decided to text him

To: Jay
Are you free? I just landed back in Korea and you kind of promise to spend the day with me once I arrived back

I set down my phone and heard a ding right away

From: Jay
Yeah, I'll be free in 3 hours. Wait for me, I'll pick you up at your dorm

3 hours?! Seriously Jay? What are you doing for that long? Or he has a love life that I don't know. I decided to shrug it off as I heard a knock and opened it. Who's this guy?

"Hi, I know you're wondering who am I? I am Jisung, brother of Leehun and Felix's friend" he said showing a smile

"Who now?" I blink couple of times till I realized who he is talking about "Oh, you mean Jay?" he nodded "Come in. What do you want to talk about?"

"Uhm, I know for a fact that you and my brother were in the same school and I have a feeling that you like him" he said while sitting on the chair

"Wait, Jay never mention he have a brother" I raised an eyebrow 

"Well, yeah...I am adopted so" I nodded and let him continue "Please don't love him or even fall for him because you will end up hurt of what he does. He is busy 24/7 and will not have time for you"

"I am not even sure if he has the same feeling as me" I said and he looked up to me and smiled "What's with the smile? Weirdo"

"Hehe, he may or may not like you back. Bro just texted that you and him are supposed to hang out in...3 hours time?" I nodded "Ask him when you hang out with him" he smiled again and left me in my room

Your PoV

I am still not done with my work in the office. As usual, meetings with some important people, where's my aunt when you need her? Oh right, she took the week off

"Alright, that is all" my client said and I nodded "Can I see you after this Mr. Park?"

"Sure. Everybody out. Now...thank you" every of my employee left making me sit with my client alone "What is it?"

"I am sure you are the right guy for this job. Afterall, your aunt introduced you" he handed me a file and I read it

"I ain't doing it" he raised his eyebrow "I can ask--"

"No, I don't want anyone else" he said firmly and I rubbed my forehead

"My guys are the best. One of them is my brother, the other one is my bestfriend. I count on them. Now if you don't agree, I have to go" I said while looking at my watch

"Fine, I agree. Pleasure doing business with you" I shook his hand and he left. I ran back to my office and change into a white Tshirt, sleeveless jacket and black jeans and my nike sneakers and head out to the dorm. If you're wondering, after the whole Felix incident thing, I came straight away to my office because of the client

I dialed Sana's number while driving and putting on my bluetooth headset

(Mmm? Who's this?) she sound so sleepy

"It's me. Do you want to cancel the plans?"

(I'm getting ready. I fell asleep waiting. 미안해)

"It's fine. I'll be there in...15 minutes. Max at 20 minutes" I hung up and drive off to the dorm


Well, I have arrived at the dorm and knocked on the door just to see Jihyo who opened it

"Where's the squirrel Thomas?" I said while chuckling. I can't help it, she looks like Thomas the Train

"In her room, I'll get her" I waited at the hallway while Jihyo went to get her

--5 minutes later--

"Hey, sorry to keep you waiting" Sana said while approaching me and I shook my head as a sign, it is okay "Where are we going?" I shrugged "How about the amusement park?" I nodded and head to the car

--Amusement Park--

"Wow, I haven't been here since the SIXTEEN Era" Sana said while clinging on my arm "Thanks" she smiled at me while I smiled back and she pointed at the roller coaster "Let's ride that" 

--After Roller Coaster--

"That was fun" I said and saw an ice cream stand "Wanna get ice cream? My treat" I pointed the ice cream to her and she nods like a child

We sat down after ordering ice cream. I ordered (your choice of Ice cream here) while she ordered Vanilla. We quietly eat until she broke the silence

"I have questions for you Jay" she said and I nodded "Why didn't you tell me you had a sibling?" I gulp down my ice cream and stare at her 

"Jisung is adopted, he isn't my actual brother but my parents adopted him when he was 3. His parents died in a car crash, their parents were my parents best friend so they took him in. I didn't like the idea first but I cope up with it. When he was 10, he was sent to an oversea school until 2 years ago, he graduated early and stayed a couple years. He's a smart kid" I noticed her nodding while eating her ice cream slowly "Anymore questions?" She nodded quickly

" have someone you like?" I can't believe she asked that but, I still have no chance with her. I heard some people says she likes Jungkook from BTS and he likes her back. Well, she is an idol...I'm just some CEO and bodyguard

" be honest, yeah, I is a one-sided love" I said to her "I heard she likes another person. If she's happy, I'm happy, I wouldn't say much about it. How about you? Do you have someone you like?"

"That girl must stupid not to like you. I were kind, nice and everything" I just nod...I wish she knew that I like her...I guess I just have to wait "Oh and yeah, I have someone I like. He has the best gummy personality, he is also nice and kind. I just wish he knows that I like him" she smiles at me "Another question, how would you describe the girl that you like?" 

"Uhm, she is nice, has this really beautiful smile...not only that, I've known her for roughly 3 years now but I heard from my friend that she likes someone...oh and she is clumsy and clueless" she just made an O with her mouth. She really is clueless, I mentally face palm myself but it's okay "We should go home. The others will be worried" she nodded and I drove her back to her dorm...well our dorm 

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