I Can't Believe We Are Doing This

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Felix's PoV 

I stretched myself as we head out from the airport

"Finally, we landed back in Korea" I said earning a lot of nods from Jay and the girls

"Well, Jaewon-oppa, I have to go somewhere" Tzuyu said and I tried my best to ignore her

"Where?" Jay said making all of us look at her "Please be sure to use your mask and cap okay? Felix, go with her" I shook my head "Why?"

"I'm going home to sleep. See you back at the dorm" Oh yeah, forgot to mention, Jay made me move in the dorm. Good thing there is a lot of guest room

I hop on my bike and dial Jisung


"Dorm now, text Jay too will you?" 

(Sure, what's wrong though? You don't sound happy)

"I'll explain it later"

I hung up and received from Tzuyu making me sigh

From: Savage Yoda
I'm sorry I rejected your plan earlier in the plane. I hope you forgive me and make time for me. I just had to meet someone in the mall, please forgive me 

I decided not to reply her and proceed to riding the bike back to dorm so I could change


"Hey Fel" Jisung suddenly popped out in the hallway "What's so important?"

"Get in, I need to change" I opened the door and head to my room and change into an all black clothing. Well, I still used white shirt beneath my jacket "I need to spy on who Tzuyu is meeting" I saw Jisung's eyes widen and we heard the door open and we walk out

"Where are you going?" Jeongyeon speak up and started to point at Jisung "And who is he?"

"He is Jay's little brother" Jay suddenly speak and put his arm around Jisung's neck "We three need to talk privately. You girls should rest" they all nodded and we followed Jay into his room

"So, what are we doing?" Jisung asked 

"We are going to spy on Tzuyu..." I said 

"WHAT?!?!?!" Jisung and Jay shouted in unison  "Are you crazy?"

No more complains and whining, I decided to drag Jisung by his collar and Jay by his hoodie

"I CANNOT BELIEVE WE ARE DOING THIS" Jay shouted across the hallway as I continue dragging him to the car and shove him in the car


We sat in Starbucks, not far from where Tzuyu is sitting. Seems like she is alone

"I still cannot believe we are doing this" Jay whispered "I know you like him Felix but seriously?" I nodded "How do you know she's in here?" I shrugged and take a look behind my shoulder while sipping my drink

--Few Minutes Later--

We saw a guy...tall and not bad looking guy approaching Tzuyu's table and we decided to move table that is close to their table and eavesdrop. I know what you guys are thinking...I'm just...being protective...right Author-nim?

(A/N: Yeah "protective")

Anyways, I pinch Jay to wake up to help me hear what they are saying

Tzuyu's PoV

I can't believe that I am doing this. I mentally curse and notice 3 guys that look familiar...well only 2 of them but I decided to shrug it off. The only thing that is disturbing is they actually move seats to the one near my table until I see a guy approaching me and sit in front of me

"Who the fudge are you?" I said coldly 

"Ouch, feisty. Anyways, I'm Jun. You must be Tzuyu" He offered his hand but I refused "I'm here to meet you on behalf of my family's request. I must admit, you are pretty and I might fall in love with you" making me roll my eyes. I wish Felix was here

"Sorry, I already have a boyfriend" I heard the guy near our table spit his drink making his friends mad at him 

"OI, WHAT THE FUCK?!" one of the guy yelled 

"Anyways, if you have a boyfriend, you would have introduce him to your parents and I wouldn't have come and waste my time" he said in a firm voice "I know you're lying"

"Just leave me alone. I rather find my own than some guy like you because just like the other guys my mom recommend, the guys are mostly assholes. So please, find some girls that suites your taste" I spat coldly giving him a death glare

"Why you--" he was going to reach for me

Suddenly, a guy with a mask grabbed Jun by his collar

"Look pal, I don't know who the fuck you are to her but back off before I kill you" the guy said in a very deep voice and the accent...sounds familiar

"Who the fuck are you to touch me?" Jun spat in front of his face making the guy punch his face leaving him with a bloody lip. Next thing, hell break lose

I saw the guy in the mask gave Jun a hard time and roundhouse kick him to a table, smashing the table in pieces, Jun then stood up charging towards the guy and punch his ribs making him wince in pain and while the guy is down, Jun took the opportunity to step on his chest making him not able to move around, I tried dialing Jay but he was unavailable. Luckily the two guys that was with him earlier tackle Jun to the ground and handcuff him

"HEY LET ME GO!" Jun shouted and one of the guy handed him to the incoming security guard

"Are you okay? It looks painful" I said earning a nod from him "What's your name?" He shook his head and walk out. The way he speaks earlier sounds familiar, I look around at the mess and decided to go home


"Hey, I'm ho--Oh my gosh, what happened to Felix?!" I shouted while looking all bloody

"He got into a fight with a friend. No worries, we'll take care of him" Jay said behind the mask. Wait, that jacket, it's the same as the guy wearing it in Starbucks

"I'm fine really" Felix tried to stand up but end up falling making him whine in pain more

"Don't lie to me. It was you right?" He looked up to me with a confuse face and nodded 

"Thanks" I walk towards him and hug him

"Too...tight" he said and I let go and smiled 

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