Death Threat

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Your PoV


"C'mon girls. Don't waste time" I shouted while looking at the girls walking so slow, making stops to the mini-mart as they go 

"Wait Jaewon, I want to buy snacks!" Tzuyu yelled. Jisoos, I shouldn't have taken this job. I mentally face palm myself


"WE FINALLY ARRIVE IN LOS ANGELES" Jihyo yelled making the others shut their ear

"YAHH!!! Microphone, where is your off button?!" Jeongyeon yelled back and I just laughed. What a bunch of crazy girls, I grinned to myself behind the mask while stealing glances to Sana

"We still need to go to my personal studio for you girls to practice though" I said making them jaw dropped

"HOW RICH ARE YOU?!" the maknae line shouted and I just winked at them "YAAAA TELL US" they literally shook me so hard I am going to vomit. After all that shenanigans, we went to the van and drove off to the studio


We entered the studio and the girls roam around with their mouth wide open. I heard Damn and Jisoos from the girls right after we enter. What can I say, this place is enormous 

"How do you afford a place like this?" Sana asked and I shrugged "Yahhh," I shrugged again and she pouted. Damn, she is cute when she pout

"Stop asking questions and go to practice. K-Con is a few days away and JYP will kill me if you don't have progress" I said while walking to a huge dance studio room and they all nodded "What song are you going to dance to anyways?"

"Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars" Jihyo said and they all nodded "Alright, I see no arguments...let's go!" I go to the music booth to turn on the song and Momo and Jihyo starts to help with the choreo and me? I am just going to watch from here. As minutes turns to hours, I saw the girls sitting on the floor panting and stretching themselves so I went to grab 9 bottles and give it to them

"Here you go girls! Seem like you nail that choreo though. TWICE FIGHTING!" I said while smiling behind my mask and they also smile

"Thank you Jaewon" they all said in unison and suddenly, I heard some of the girls' stomach growl and they look up to me making me laugh

"Alright, wash up. There is a shower in the back, towels are already provided as well. We'll meet up here and go to the lobby together once we are done" I smiled and went to the music booth and wait

--Few minutes later--

Jihyo's PoV

We finally finished rehearsing the dance for K-Con and also, not to mention, I am very hungry as well as the other girls. As I walk up to the music booth, I found Jay sleeping, poor guy, aside from being our bodyguard, he has to be our cook and maid too, other than that, I have no idea what he does. It seems fishy doesn't it?

"Jay, wake up" I whisper while shaking him slowly. No use, making me let out a big sigh. Sorry Jay "JAEWOOONNN WAKE THE DAMN UP!!!" I had to shout near his ears and it worked, the funny thing is that he fell of the chair giving the death glare and mouthed "F**k you" making me grinned and run away

--Few minutes later...again--

"Finally, you girls are done. I am starting to be hungry too" Jay whined

"Do aegyo, then we will go" Sana said making us laugh and Jay annoyed "Please?" Sana did the puppy eyes on Jay and Jay nodded

"Can we go eat now? Shy Shy Shy" we all laughed at Jay and I squeezed his cheeks through the mask 

"Aigoo, our bodyguard has a cute side eh" I said while smiling widely "Let's go"

As we walk to the lobby, we were stopped by the security guards and the guard handed Jay something

"You might want to see it boss" Jay nodded and opened the letter and all of our eyes grew wide 

"Who sent it?" Jay said it in a very deep voice...he is really pissed I assume. "I need to tell my boss about this. But first, WHO. SENT. IT?!" 

"We don't know. It was in the post already since this morning. We were just waiting for your arrival" the guard said and I saw Jay dial someone

"Meet me in that restaurant will you?" he then hung up and turned to us "Let's go"


Finally, we are able to eat. We immediately dig in our food while Jay, he kept looking at the entrance ever since we got here. A few minutes later, we saw a tall guy came in and sit across Jay

"Who are you?" Chaeyoung asked and the guy smiled

"A friend of Jaewon. Oh, my name is Felix. Nice to meet you, Chaeyoung" he said and we bowed our heads to him and continue slurping our meal, it is sooo good

Felix's PoV

He is the CEO of a company that holds the largest shareholder and he became the girls' bodyguard. Is there something wrong with him? Jay pointed to a vacant seat and we moved there

"Someone sent this" Jay handed me a letter "A Death Threat, for the girls" I examined the letter carefully and sighed "Help me during K-Con"

"Alright, I guess I will" I said giving him my childish smile. Me and Jay had been friends since we are still children but things kind of grew apart when he got into JYP Academy and when his parents passed "You hold the largest shareholder and yet, you're a bodyguard. You're crazy" he just smiled behind his mask "By the way, that girl that looks like Yoda from Star Wars is cute"

"We call her Yoda" I held my laughter "But her real name is Chou Tzuyu" I jaw dropped when I heard that name, THE CHOU TZUYU?! She's more beautiful in real life "You like her?" I nodded

"I idolize her dumbass. Ever since the group you are guarding debuted, she's my favorite. I just didn't recognize her for awhile" I grinned "I'll be going. I'll be staying in your place tonight" I went to the cashier and paid for their food

I can't believe some random guy sent them a death threat...who in the world would do that?

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