Haunted House Hunt

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(A/N: Exam is killing me slowly BUT this week I have 4 days off...I might update once or twice or triple times with the help of first author because the last subject is...*drum rolls* MATHS!!!  -👻)

Your PoV

After meeting Nancy, then went home to see half of my condo's kitchen is burnt in half...why did I gave her the keys to my condominium again? I face palm myself but...that was 2 weeks ago. Right now, I got my butt stuck in a meeting room in JYP listening to JYP himself

"So, I have rented the whole amusement park for you. By the time you go there, there will be a mission for you. It will thrilling I promise" he smiled...somehow I feel like that smile is leading us into a bigger mess "This will also go to your Twice VLive channel"

(Okay cut cut...*author walks in* this might be similar to BTS vs Zombie thing I don't know. I watched this once from a classmate of mine...yes she watches Youtube in the middle of the class and laughs secretly about it and a huge army fan *face palm* I think half of the school is anyways. I think you can relate this chapter to that)

"Will we have to go inside a haunted house?" Jihyo asked and suddenly the lights turn off 

"AHHHH" the girls screamed in unison until suddenly JYP shine his flashlight on his phone to his face and showed us an evil smile "AHHHHH!!!!" the girls scream again and the lights turn on revealing Felix by the lights grinning and Sana throwing her shoe and water bottle at him

"YAH FELIX! Don't do that!" Mina shouted hugging Chaeyoung tightly "I guess that answers your question Jihyo"

"We'll leave at 8 PM" I checked the schedule "Try wearing something comfortable" 

--Amusement Park somewhere in Korea I don't know about--

"Okay we are here. It feels creepy" Nayeon said and hid behind Jeongyeon

We got off the bus and head to the entrance where we can see the managers and some filming crew

"Here take this cameras. You'll use it during your time inside and there will be some cameramen following you" the manager provided us with only 3-4 GoPro cameras with the hand strap "Take the bus and head to your next stop where you can find how you will be teamed" 

We got on a special bus that is designed for this amusement park and the girls started to record themselves

"I'm getting goosebumps now" Nayeon chuckled in front of the camera and I look outside suddenly I heard a loud bang on the window making me jump off my seat. I look out the window and see people using zombie make ups

"First time I see Oppa get scared" the girls laughed at Tzuyu's sentence

"We're here" the bus driver said and got off where another crew is waiting for us

"So, do you see the zombie horde in front of you?" We looked over and nodded "Do you see a piece of carton or paper attached to them?" We nodded again "Take those from the zombies. Which letter you get, A, B, C or D will determine which group you will be in together. Now go" the person said 

We started to walk to the horde until one of them suddenly came running making me scream

Nayeon's PoV

"AHHHH!!!" I looked over to Jay who screamed and started running making me look back and scream starting to run to the direction of the horde getting the tags as soon as possible. First time I ran this fast and I was able to get one of the tags from the zombie and I ran back to the safe zone

"Everyone, I will be in B team" I showed the camera my paper and pointed my camera to the chaos on the opposite side of me and myself started to laugh "Ya, everyone! Look at our two bodyguard jumping and screaming from the horde" I laughed like a crazy person

2-3 minutes later, Jeongyeon catch up to the safe zone followed by Tzuyu

"Why is JYP this mean to us?" Jeongyeon panted and showed the camera and me the card "B team. Your lovely 2Yeon will be in one team together Once! How about you Tzuyu?"

Tzuyu then showed the card to the camera "I got in A team" we then heard a loud scream and turned our heads to the chaos and laugh seeing Jay on the floor 

Camera's PoV

 Jay was seen running around from zombie jumping here and there having a difficult time to grab the tags as he was chased non-stop. He finally took a break from all the running to take a breathe 




A zombie appeared out of nowhere jumping out on Jay "AHHHH!!!!" making him scream and shout and let it all out and fall on the ground. Camera is then pointed to the rest of the group trying their best to obtain the tag from the zombies while screaming 

Nayeon's PoV

"Once, did you see that? Who knew our tough bodyguard is afraid of zombies?" I said to the camera and laughed

10 minutes later

Everyone gathered and showed us the cards they have
Tzuyu, Felix, Mina and Chaeyoung obtained A card
Jeongyeon and me obtained B card 
Jay, Sana and Jihyo obtained C card
Momo and Dahyun obtained D card

"Everyone got their team?" we nodded and unison "Go to your next objective which is the haunted house full of zombies by riding the bus"

"More zombies?" Jay whined and exhaled "I can't do this" we laughed at him

"Who knew you are afraid of zombies?" Chaeyoung said

"Shut it smol bean" we continued laughing at him for his reaction

(A/N: Part 2 coming up this weekend. Sorry if it's boring - 👻)

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