Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Molly laughed quietly. Sherlock was in the process of telling John that they were together as a couple now, and it was funny.

The only other girlfriend he had ever had was a fake one, so it hadn't been too difficult to tell him. Now, because it was real, John was prolonging his suffering, making it look like he didn't get it so Sherlock actually had to say the words.

Mary stood next to John, bouncing Amelia softly, and let out a chuckle. "Quit torturing him."

John smiled and sat back in his chair. "This is the first and probably last time I'll ever be able to do this."

Sherlock rolled his eyes and stood up. "I just thought you really were that thick."

John laughed in response and was handed Amelia. Mary kissed John quickly before saying, "I'm taking Molly out for lunch. Give Sherlock a break, okay? Tease him tomorrow, just let him have one day of rest."

"Oh, alright." He smiled. "One day."

Sherlock heard them and smiled a bit. "Sounds like you're going out."

Molly bit her lip. She still wasn't aware of Mary's past concerning being an assassin, so thought that Mary would be only as helpful as Anderson if someone attacked. Sherlock smiled a bit. "Don't worry. Mary will take great care of you." Then he leaned down and whispered quietly, "She's a great shot, you're safe with her."

Molly was instantly calm again. "Okay." When Mary came in, Molly said, "I'd like to have a shower before lunch, if it's alright."

"Of course!" So the pair left, and Sherlock walked back into the living room. Mycroft was reading the paper.

"You killed three people yesterday, Sherlock. They were criminals, but you killed them. I should turn you in."

"But you won't."

"I won't this time," he corrected.

"Please, Mycroft, you are the government. If you wanted, you could arrest Amelia."

"Very true." He grinned. "Meanwhile, you're on parole. I am a very busy man, Sherlock. I should not have to spend all my time watching over you."

"No different from what you did before. Besides, now you just need to shout over at John instead of kidnapping him to get information on me."

"Careful where you use that word, Brother."

"I used it only because she's gone."

John looked between them. "What?"

"Molly," they both answered. Sherlock looked up at Mycroft, his expression between anger and jealousy. "PTSD."

John completely understood this and nodded. He wanted to tease Sherlock, knowing that this was probably the only time he would ever be able to, but bit it back. Mary wouldn't be happy with him if he did.

Mary waited patiently for Molly to be ready, and when she was they went out to a diner about ten minutes from her flat.

"So," smiled Mary after they sat down.

"What?" Molly asked, though she knew exactly where this was leading.

"Did Sherlock finally kiss you? He's always been very protective of you from what I hear, especially when you had other boyfriends."

She smiled. "He always found something wrong with them. But he was right about Jim. That's what bothers me most about this whole thing. I brought Moriarty into Sherlock's life."

"No, you did not! He just used you as an avenue to meet him. John's told me a lot about it all."

She nodded. "And to answer your question, yes." She blushed just enough for the color to show, and Mary snapped a picture. "What was that for?"

"Me, and maybe John. You work autopsies, Molly, it's rare to see you blush."

"You don't hang around me often enough then," she said with a smile.

Hearing a whoosh, she leaned over to spy on Mary's phone. "You sent the picture to John? Why?"

"Because I'm telling him how cute you look! If Amelia grows up to be half as beautiful as you, I'll be a lucky mom."

"Thank you."

They sat there, just talking and eating, for the next hour. Near the end of their meal, Sherlock actually texted Molly.

It never takes you more than thirty minutes to eat. Where are you?

Molly smiled and replied quickly. "I think he's going to want you to move in," said Mary when shown the text.

Molly chuckled.

Now that he'd begin to show that he cared about her, it was like a dam broke. Sherlock would always care for and about Molly, and would never allow her to be hurt ever again.

Molly smiled, knowing part of this, and the pair got up to head back over to Baker Street. When they arrived, they heard John laughing. Mary smiled and hurried up the stairs, obviously assuming Amelia did something. But when they walked in, they found Amelia in her dad's arms. Sherlock's face was burning though, which made Molly giggle softly.

Mary slapped John's arm. "I thought I told you to give it a rest."

"I did. Mycroft said it."

Mary turned to the accused and glared, crossing her arms across her chest. "Mycroft Holmes."

He looked up innocently. "Yes, Mary?"

"Your brother has had enough of an emotion overload in the past twenty-four hours. Don't you dare add to it."

All five of them had to crack a smile. Sherlock having an "emotion overload" as Mary so gently put it, was more rare than seeing a dodo bird.

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