Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Molly squirmed a bit and frowned. She'd fallen asleep on a chair, why was she in a bed now?

Daring to open her eyes and find the reason, Molly saw Sherlock cuddling her as they sat so close together she was nearly on top of him.

She struggled to get up. He needed his rest, and she had to get up before the nurse came in. But every move only brought his arms tighter around her.

"You were sleeping on the chair," he said softly, making her jump. "It didn't look comfortable."

"It wasn't, but you shouldn't have pulled me into the bed." She pushed away from him and he finally let her go.

She stood up and smiled at him. "How are you feeling?"

"My head aches."

She nodded. "The doctor said you may not be able to walk very well for a few days, and to lay off the cases for a bit to rest."

He sighed. "Now that you've moved in I can't very well ignore that, can I?"

"Nope," she smiled.

"Where's John? I expected him to be here."

She almost slapped herself. "He told me to ring him once you woke up, since you sent him off to look at the abduction sites."

He closed his eyes and grit his teeth. "Children, was it? Two that were killed?"

She frowned and stopped dialling. "Four kids were kidnapped."

He squeezed his eyes shut in pain, then relaxed as he opened them. "I can't remember. The entire case is just...gone."

John, sitting at his flat, expected a call before morning so stayed up late. However, he and Mary did get some rest overnight before Molly called. "Hello," answered John. "He's awake then?"

"I'm not entirely sure, to be honest. He looks awake and he's talking to me, but he can't remember the case. Everything that happened with it is suddenly gone. And he's convinced that today's date is the 20th."

"But today is the 23rd?"


"Mary and I'll be over soon."

"Thank you."

They said their goodbyes and John hung up, relaying the information to Mary.

When they got there, John was cautious. Sherlock would undoubtedly be frustrated with himself; if John were to say the wrong thing it would set him off.

Molly saw them before Sherlock and met them in the hall. "Is he very frustrated?"

"Beyond. But it's a good thing you're here, maybe you can calm him down."

They walked in and saw Sherlock's face set in a deep scowl as he tapped his fingers impatiently. "Four kids kidnapped, three bodies found...what am I missing?" he hissed to himself. John realised that the scowl wasn't because of frustration, but because of pain. His head hurt as he went through that, yet he didn't stop.

"See you're chipper this morning," he said to Sherlock.

"Don't start. I've taken a blow to the head that has disabled me. I cannot finish this case like this."

"Slow down. Yeah, you hit your head. You're not disabled." He rolled his eyes.

"For the time being," he corrected himself. "I...I asked you to do something, didn't I? What was it?"

"I went to the abduction sites. Not much there, you need to go."

"Where are the abduction sites?" He closed his eyes to clear his mind and be able to think better.

"The park, south Birmingham Street, east Carmichael Road, and the edge of the city by the river."

He moved his hands from the prayer position to rubbing his head with his fingertips. "I'm done." He stood up and grabbed the pile of clothes that had been folded and set by his bedside. "Meet me at the first victim's house."

The three in the room shared looks before John went to sign him out. There wasn't much that they could do, honestly. He had his mind made up that he was going to finish the case.

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