Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

A harsh knock at the door startled Molly as she was petting her new cat, Toby. An inadequate replacement for Sherlock, but she had been so lonely her first few days.

Walking up, she didn't even look through the peephole in the door before opening it. She gasped. "What-how are you-did Clark...?"

He walked in and closed the door. "Why did you leave?"

"I-I..." Her mind flashed back to what the man had told her and her eyes fell to the ground and closed. "I don't want to marry you. I couldn't tell you that in person. I'm sorry I just left, but I couldn't tell you to your face."

"You're not telling me the truth." She looked up in his face. She'd spent the past month preparing this, knowing that he would show up one day. He didn't believe that she was lying, he just wanted to.

"Believe it or not, I am. I'm sorry. Please go."

"No." He sat down and Toby jumped up onto his lap. "You got a cat?"

"It was lonely," she shrugged.

He put the cat on the ground. "Come here." She sat beside him and he didn't give her a choice. He put his hand behind her head and pulled her forward to kiss him. He needed to know if she was telling the truth.

Molly kissed him back for a moment before she stopped. Tears welled up in her eyes. "I can't. I'm sorry, I can't do this."

He sat back, remembering what John had told him a month ago. "John told me something a few weeks ago."

"John? How're he and Mary doing?"

"Just fine. He told me that he was approached and threatened with a knife. You didn't experience anything like that, did you?"



A tear slipped down her cheek. "I'm sorry. But I can't easily protect myself. I just can't. If I know anything whatsoever about your activities and don't report it, I'll be killed. I'm going to be hurt just for telling you."

"You're not happy here, take this and come back." He pulled her ring out and she smiled.

"You still-"

"Obviously. Will you or won't you?"

She took it and slid it on her finger. "Give me two hours, and can you call my work and tell them I won't be coming in?"

"I made Mike hold your spot in the hospital."

"Mike...Mike Stamford or Mycroft?"

"Stamford. Mycroft hasn't spoken to me recently."

"Oh?" she said a bit louder as she walked back into her bedroom to pack. After opening her drawers and closet door, she grimaced. She hadn't realised how unhappy she had been. All the clothes she bought were darker colours, and bland.

Guess it won't take as long as I thought to pack, she thought.

Sherlock stood in her doorway, hands in his pockets. "Yes. He's rather disappointed that it took me so long to find you. Unless he's stalking me, which is very likely, he doesn't yet know that I've found you."

Toby jumped up onto Molly's bed. "Oh, uh, can Toby come too?"

His immediate answer was no, but he read how much she liked the cat in her eyes and nodded. "Alright. Mary will be pleased as well, since John has refused to get her a cat."

Molly smiled, but it faded when she remembered the other information. "What?" he asked. "There's something you haven't told me."

"I'll tell you later. Can you start to pack up some of my things out there?" She nodded back to the kitchen.

He nodded, though still curious, and walked out. Molly grinned and a soft giggle broke the silence of her room. Throwing all the bright coloured clothes she could bare to keep in her bags, her room slowly became bare. It was such a refreshing feeling, it caused Molly's grin to grow into a grinch-level smile. The weight of the ring on her finger only helped.

Toby jumped onto her bed and let out a soft meow. "We're going home, Toby."

Sherlock texted Mycroft, who assented to send them a car with a large trunk to carry her things.

Molly climbed into the car with perfect ease, entwining her hand with Sherlock's. "Clark doesn't think you two are together, does he?" asked Sherlock.

"Nope." She smiled.

He started to drive, and looked over at Molly halfway back. She had fallen asleep. He chuckled.

Instead of waking her up, he carried her to their room and laid her out on the bed, setting the loud cat down beside her. Toby curled up by her feet and slept.

He carried all her things up before texting Mycroft that he was finished with the car.

He sat in the room, just watching Molly sleep. He was thinking. What else was there, that Molly was scared he couldn't protect her? He must have done something to her in the past.

Has Andrew Roll escaped or been released from prison?

No. Why do you ask?

Sherlock didn't respond, just sat and watched her. Her body showed that she had been tired for weeks, possibly since she moved out, so he knew that she still had nightmares. He wondered if they would ever really go away.

Next, her forehead had new lines on it from constant frowning and stress, so he knew that she wasn't happy with whatever she had been doing, which was probably why he couldn't find her workplace.

It had been a long month for both of them. Sherlock couldn't cram enough into his short days, and Molly couldn't find anything to do with her long days. They evened each other out, one taking weight off the other, giving one a rest and making their work bearable.

They couldn't have been more perfect for each other. Molly Hooper was a small girl, quiet, but when pressed she would stand up for anything she believed in. Sherlock was tall, loud, and expressive of his opinions daily. Their work complemented each other's as well, with Sherlock's work solving cases and Molly's work in the mortuary. They were both chemists, so could talk scientifically with each other.

Molly was sensitive, something Sherlock was deep, deep down in the very core of his being. But the rest of the time he was more of a machine than a sensitive human.

In every way they were different, yet they were drawn together-eventually.

Sherlock smiled when Molly woke up, realising he just sat there all night thinking about her and watching her sleep.

She smiled back. "Good morning, Sherlock."

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