Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

The three of them stood at a thick black door about five minutes later, and Sabrina sighed. "Molly, I really don't want you to think ill of me after you see this. It was for our entire family's protection. Moriarty just didn't follow the rules; if Sherlock hadn't killed him I had people standing by who would've done so." Then she looked at Sherlock. "Mycroft and I work together. We practically run the government together; he recruited me before you came to town."

Sherlock watched her carefully. He was curious as to what was behind the door, but maybe curiosity should be left alone, just this once. "Don't," he said.

"Don't what?"

"Open it. Leave it closed. Whatever's in there is none of our concern. You seem to be very secure, I know you can come here if you receive another threat on your life. This case is unimportant anymore."

Then he turned and walked back the way they'd come, the doors opening for them.

Molly was close behind, but Sabrina lagged. The steel door at the beginning opened and Sherlock looked back, catching a glimpse of the girl crying before it slammed shut and he and Molly walked out.

"She should move," he said. "No one will be able to find that tunnel, and if they do they'll never guess the code at the end. She should just leave it there, make everyone think she took it with her. Then she'll be safe."

Molly nodded, following him into a cab.

"Where to?" asked the cabbie.

"221B Baker Street."

Back at Baker Street, John was waiting with Mary and Mycroft for Sherlock and Molly to show up.

When they did, Mycroft smiled a bit. "You don't know what she's hidden, do you?"

"Haven't the slightest clue," he said, his lips turning up a bit, only enough that Mycroft caught it, but no one else did.

"Good. I'll leave you to it then." As he passed by his brother, he whispered, "Sentiment is found on the losing side. Remember that, Sherlock."

In response, Sherlock took a step closer to Molly. He knew his brother didn't care about anyone, but Sherlock wasn't able to do that. He acted as if he didn't care, but the truth was, he cared very much. He tried not to-it only got in his way of solving crimes-but he was not his brother. If he was, he never would've found a flatmate.

John said, "So what happened?"

"Sabrina's going to move, but leave her secret where it is. It'll be safe there, and she will be safe as well."

He nodded. Molly stepped out to call her sister and tell her the instructions, but Sherlock followed her. "She can wait. You fell asleep on the way to and from her flat. Call her tomorrow; rest now."

Molly smiled. "Alright."

She laid down on his bed, her breathing deepening almost immediately.

Sherlock closed the door softly and walked back out. "I think Molly needs to move in here."

John and Mary looked at him in shock. "Why?"

"She can't sleep unless she's here, nightmares keep her awake." John nodded in understanding, partly because he experienced it and partly because he'd seen her that morning.

"You wouldn't have her sleeping in your bed with you, would you?" asked Mary.

"No. I would make the lab a bedroom again and have her stay there. Getting an hour or two of rest here each afternoon doesn't make up for the entire night she missed before."

"Don't force her to," John warned.

"Hadn't even crossed my mind," he said with a smile.

They took the rest of the day off. Mary and John played quietly with Amelia while Sherlock either played or composed music. Molly slept straight through the night. John and Mary left so that Sherlock could have the air mattress, on which he slept fitfully.

Molly had just finished her cup of morning tea when Sherlock brought up the subject of her moving in. "Sorry?" she choked out.

"You can't sleep anywhere but here, I've seen it. I can re-renovate John's room for you."

She felt her heart beating wildly. "O-oh." Move in? She had never even thought of that. "I'd just get in the way more than anything."

"Not at all. The worst you could do is mess up one of my experiments."

"The random body parts," she smiled, remembering her shock when she opened the fridge to find a human tongue and toe sitting on a plate. She'd since become used to finding the parts everywhere.


"I'll think about it and get back to you. But I need to get going, or I'll be late for my shift."

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