Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Molly sat on the couch reading one afternoon, and glanced up when she saw movement. Sherlock was standing in the doorway of the kitchen, watching her. This was nothing new, she assumed he was remembering or thinking of something and just happened to pause at her when he lost himself in thought.

Her hair was up in a bun, loose enough that it didn't feel like it was up, but tight enough that it kept her hair out of her face. She wore her loosest pair of blue jeans pants and a light, airy blouse. She wore that only because she had planned to stay in all day and do nothing.

Sherlock was wondering, was now a proper time? Molly looked as beautiful as ever to him in that, her hair parted to the side (she wore it like that often now), no makeup to hide her face. But he didn't know. It was beating him up. He'd been watching her for three days, and now seemed the best time that he had her seen.

"Molly," he said, patting his pocket. He strode over to his coat and pulled the box out, yet kept it hidden so she couldn't see it. In the past three days he'd had to consciously remember not to toss his coat at her, which he was in the habit of doing.

"Yes?" She put the book down and looked up at him with an innocence that astounded him.

He didn't know exactly what he was supposed to be doing. Girls, he had heard, dreamed of how they would be proposed to since they were quite young. How would he know every desire of her heart, especially when it hadn't even crossed her mind that he might ask?

However he didn't let it bother him too much. He just took a few steps over to her and said with his hands behind him, "I've said it a few times, but each time you've been half-asleep. I didn't know how to tell you before now, because you would remember it. I love you." Her eyes widened and her breath caught as his words were accompanied by a kneeling motion from the man she loved.

"I asked John, but he said to do it when I thought 'This is why I love her', and I thought that just now as you were reading that book. Wonderful read, by the way." She giggled.

He brought the ring out and she smiled. "Molly Elizabeth* Hooper, will you marry me?"

"Yes," she breathed almost silently. She was amazed, shocked, she didn't even know the proper word.

He frowned. "Pardon?"

"Yes, Sherlock. I said yes." A tear of joy slipped down her cheek and she wiped it away.

He looked quite surprised. He had done it right then. He pulled the ring out and slipped it onto her finger. She smiled and held it closer to her where she could properly see it through her tears.

"Why are you crying?" he asked, confused. Was she upset that she was engaged to him?

"They're tears of happiness, not sadness. Oh my...Sherlock did you pick this ring out?" He nodded as he sat beside her. "It's beautiful. I love it, and I love you too." He leaned down to her and gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

He smiled, every bit of nervousness leaving him. He had done it, and she had said yes. He was marrying Molly Hooper.

"At least I don't have to change my initials," she laughed.

"Suppose not. We're going out tonight; I'm taking you to your favourite restaurant."

She smiled up at him. "What time?"

"We leave at six."

"Alright then." She got up and walked back to her room. Sherlock let a breath out and quickly dialled John's mobile.

"Is everyone okay?" he asked when he picked up.

"Perfectly fine. In fact, better than fine. Good. Great!" Sherlock let out a chuckle. "I did it quickly and ignored any thoughts of what I should and shouldn't be doing!"

"Alright, you're not making sense. Look, I'm about to pass by Baker Street to get to the grocery store, I'll drop in and you can tell me straightly what you're on about."

"Alright." He hung up and waited. Pacing around, Sherlock walked across the table three times before John walked in.

"So why did you sound like a loon on the phone?" he asked.

Sherlock just tossed the ring box at him. When he opened it and saw it empty, a grin stretched across his face. "When did you ask?"

"Just a moment ago."

"She said yes?"


"What couldn't you tell me over the phone? Why be so cryptic?"

Sherlock stopped and stood in front of him. "You asked me to be your best man because I was your best friend."

"Are. You are my best friend," he corrected. "Always will be." Sherlock smiled.

"Good. Just wanted to make sure of that, because you're mine as well. John, will you be my best man?"

"Of course I will. Never thought that this would happen though." They laughed together.

"Nor did I."

"Sworn off love as a chemical defect?"

"Not anymore."

"Mycroft's gonna have a hay day with this."

"That's why I have to introduce her to my mother before he does."

Molly walked in again and smiled when she saw John. "Hello."

"Molly," he smiled. "I hear you've gotten engaged and I'm to be in the wedding."

She smiled. "Who else would be his best man? Yes, see?" She showed him her ring, proud of the man who picked it. "Sherlock did a good job picking it out."

"That he did."

"Molly," said Sherlock, "John has just reminded me that you haven't met my parents."

"Oh. Will they come to supper with us?"

"That's what I was going to ask you."

"I'm alright with it. I'd love to meet your parents." She smiled.

"Then I'll have to give them a call soon. I think Mycroft has kept them from texting just to frustrate me."

"Wouldn't put it past him," chuckled John. "I've got to get going, but I'm sure I'll see you tomorrow." As he passed Molly he whispered, "He may need more advice."

She giggled a bit. Sherlock was completely oblivious to this, as he was remembering and typing his mother's phone number.

*I came up with her middle name.

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