Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

"Hoping a murder will pop up for you to solve in the middle of our wedding?" asked Molly with a smile as they sat in the cab that night.

Sherlock had been on John's blog all afternoon, looking at cases.

"No. Mother would slap me if I tried to do that."

She chuckled. "Can't wait to meet her."

"My parents aren't like Mycroft and I, as strange as it sounds to lump him in with myself. They have average brain capacity, although Father is smarter than the average scientist. He will crack jokes, awful jokes, but it's in his attempt to break the ice. Mother will try to plan the wedding with you tonight. Every detail, no matter how small. She'll write the guest list on a napkin if she has to. Just tell her if you want her to slow down or not help straight out. She doesn't like liars or people who beat around the bush. You won't hurt her feelings at all, I promise," he added the promise when he saw her dubious look. "And if Father sees you getting uncomfortable, he will tell her to stop talking."

"Sherlock, they sound wonderful. Since my own mum isn't around to help me, yours might as well. She and Sabrina will be over at the flat much more often now."

He sighed. "Suppose I could be out whenever she comes over."

"She's your mother!"

"That she is, but she can be very overbearing."

When they got there and Sherlock took Molly's left hand, he grimaced. "I hope you never slap me again. That ring could hurt."

"Don't give me a reason to," she smiled.

They walked inside and looked around. "They brought Mycroft."

She just laughed as they walked up, feeling awkward. She had never met them, and was being introduced as a fiancé. "Hello, Mycroft," said Sherlock as they reached the table. "Invite yourself again?"

"I invited him, now sit and introduce us properly," chastised Mrs. Holmes.

Molly smiled as he sighed and took his coat off. After they sat, Molly on Sherlock's right side so she would be between him and his brother, Sherlock cleared his throat. "Mother, Father, this is Molly Hooper. She' fiancée."

Mycroft had spotted the ring and wasn't surprised to hear it, but he still couldn't hold back the small chuckle that quietly rang from between closed lips. Mrs. Holmes gasped and her hands flew up to her mouth.

"You're engaged? I never would've thought!"

"Neither did I. Excuse me," he said after glancing uncomfortably over to the next table. Mycroft scooted a touch closer to Molly as well.

Sherlock got up and walked over, moving to hide Molly from the man's view. But she saw enough to know that he was there alone and had been looking at her.

"Serial rapist," drawled Mycroft. "Targets married women. Just now, he heard you were engaged. He's already planning to rape you the day of your wedding."

"Oh my gosh," breathed Mrs. Holmes.

Molly watched Sherlock's body language, not reacting to the news because she knew he would take care of it. She caught a few words from him. "Walk away. Now."

"Your fiancée is looking amazing tonight, mind if I take her out for a bit, Sherlock Holmes?"

"If you know me then you will know that I am aware of your rapist tendencies. I know you're going to try to rape her. I also know that you will not succeed, because I will not allow it. Walk out now or I will take you to the police."

"Sure you will."

"You've heard of me, so have you heard of my good friend, Greg Lestrade? He is Scotland Yard. I suggest you leave now before I arrest you myself, as I am allowed to do because of my standings."

Without a word, but with another glance at Molly, the man left. Sherlock sat back down and watched him go. "Always one. First the waiter, now him. Oh well." He picked up the menu and scanned over it.

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