Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Sherlock started laughing. "Of course. Of course!"

Mary jumped. "What are you screaming about?"

"That man downstairs! He was there to draw my attention! Oh! This is getting so much better!"

Sabrina's jaw dropped and she turned to her sister, who was scared for more than one reason. Sabrina could easily keep her from seeing Sherlock ever again if he didn't quit acting like he was.

The sisters walked into the kitchen and Sabrina said quietly, "I know this has nothing to do with the real problem, but honestly, doll! Sherlock Holmes is the rudest person I've ever laid eyes on!" Sabrina's nickname for her sister was "doll", because Molly had so loved the dolls they played with as kids.

"He takes some getting used to."

"Getting used to? You've gotten used to these blatantly rude comments?"

She nodded. "He's humiliated me more than once before."

Her eyebrows shot up. "How so?"

"Whenever I had anything to do with other men, he would always find something wrong with them and announce it to everyone."

"Ah, he's that one."

Molly's brow furrowed. "What?"

Sabrina leaned closer and said with a smile, "He never tried to embarrass you, he was trying to keep you away from other men because he didn't like seeing you with them."

Her cheeks flushed; she felt like a schoolgirl again.

Looking up, she saw Sherlock sitting in his armchair, not watching them but certainly listening.

They walked back out, but Sabrina left to get a muffin, since Sherlock had no real food. Molly saw John trying to figure out where Sherlock was mentally. "So, there are two people, and holding Mrs. Hudson was just to distract you. But from what?"

His eyes glinted and he smiled. "Going back. You lot stay here, I'm going alone."

"Wait," said John as Sherlock put his scarf and coat on, "you said that everyone who walks inside could become a target."


"And you're going back?"

"Why don't they want us inside? They're going to try something, and I won't have any of you getting in the way. Stay here."

He walked out and closed the door behind him. "You're going after him, right?" asked Mary.

"Oh yes. Just have to wait until-why's he holding the cab?"

She smiled. "He's waiting for you."

"That's new." John grabbed his coat and hurried down the stairs.

"Finally. I wondered how long it would take you," said Sherlock as he climbed inside.

"Figures. You knew I was coming, didn't you?"


They arrived at Sabrina's flat and Sherlock turned to him. "You stay outside and see if you can find somewhere someone could watch the flat from. I'll open the window in her bedroom so you have a starting point. You should be able to see right through it."

John nodded.

Sherlock walked inside and looked back at the mantel, which had a feature that caught his eye. It was made of plastic, only painted to look like wood. It was an expensive flat, why would there be a plastic mantel? Even his own was made of wood.

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