Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Sherlock stepped outside the hospital and looked around.

"What are we doing?"

"Seeing the parents. Do they know that the bodies have been found?"

"No, and don't you dare tell them. That's Greg or Sally's job, not yours."

He smiled a bit and started walking down the street. "The first victim lives nearby, so we don't need a cab."

They turned and started walking through a construction zone. It wasn't roped off and there was no one telling them to turn around or go around, so they walked right through.

"Hey!" shouted one of the workers. "Move!" Sherlock looked up in just enough time to push Molly over a few steps as a board fell right on him.

Molly gasped and pulled out her phone, then realised that she was only a block from the hospital and she could just shout. She got to her feet, having been shoved to her bum, and sprinted back to the ER. "I need a stretcher and doctors," she said quickly to the receptionist. "Someone was just seriously injured in the construction zone."

She nodded and used the intercom. "I need Dr. Bradley and Dr. Reinfield to come to the front doors of the ER. Doctors Bradley and Reinfield to the ER."

Two men soon came up and were told to take a stretcher and follow Molly.

She dashed back out and led them to Sherlock, who laid in the same place he did before, but the board had been pulled back up.

His arm and head were bleeding as they carted him off. Molly followed close behind to call John.

"There was an accident," she said immediately, not waiting for a greeting from him. "Sherlock's hit his head hard and is in the hospital."

"I'm at one of the abduction sites now; he'd have my head if I left for him. Thanks for telling me. How exactly did he hit his head?"

She told him, the picture of Sherlock's head becoming a sandwich between the heavy board and hard pavement engraved in her mind.

"He can't stay out of there for two weeks, can he?" he sighed. "I'll finish what I can, but you call me when he wakes up."

"Of course."

"Thanks, Molly. Bye."


She put her mobile down and looked around the waiting room. She was the only one present.

Slouching down in the chair, she yawned and closed her eyes. She had been getting such good rest recently that she had almost forgotten the kidnapping she was a victim of. But now the kidnapping took up all the space in her mind and she fought to push the memories aside.

A doctor came out not long after she had accomplished her task. "You must be here for Sherlock Holmes. Molly Hooper, right?"

"Yes." She stood and shook his hand.

"He's got a concussion, nothing more than that. He may not be able to walk very well for a few days, maybe a week, so he should take it easy. I hear he runs around and solves crimes a lot, he shouldn't be doing that for two weeks at least. And stay away from loud noises."

"But he's alright?"

"Completely fine. You can go on in if you'd like, but he's still asleep. And you can stay overnight, since he has no emergency contacts listed."

She nodded with a smile. "Thank you."

He just returned her smile and walked away. Molly cracked open Sherlock's door and saw the lights dimmed.

Sitting by Sherlock, she hesitated before reaching over and holding his hand. "Sherlock, Sherlock, what am I ever going to do with you?" she chuckled.

She scooted a bit closer so she could rest her head on the metal bed rods and sleep. It came easily this time, without worries of Sherlock flitting through her head.

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