Chapter 12- I'm Back Love

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Pov Wes
    I never knew that any of that happened to Mari. She seemed so happy and nothing ever bad really happened to her. After she told us what happened with her ex I knew I would have to wait for her to warm up to being in a relationship. I am willing to wait but I can feel myself falling slowly for her.
    "Wes get up Mari Boze and Joven made breakfast" I felt Flitz shaking me to wake me up. I blink my eyes  open the light hurting my eyes. I smell pancakes oat meal eggs and more.
    "Smells great" I said walking into the large dinning room. We just sat and ate and talked for what seemed like hours but was only a hour and a half. Everyone was done eating but we just still sat and talked. Suddenly the door bell went of. Mari went to the bathroom so I decided to get the door. It felt natural because I stay here quite a bit. Maris parents know about my family so they let me stay when I need to. I walk up and open the door.
    "Hi, my name is Mary my son husband and I just moved across the street" said a tallish skinny woman in a sweet ton. Her husband was taller then me and I'm pretty tall and he's a buff man. Then their son. He was slightly shorter than me with brown hair.
    "Hi I live next door my friend is in the bathroom she should be out soon" I said a little awkward.
    "Hey Wes who's at the door" Mari said coming stouthearted corner. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw who was at the door. "No. No. You're supposed to be locked up" she said looking like she was fighting back tears. I get to her side quick while the tears come out of her eyes. I pull her to my side.
    "I got out early for good behavior and I'm on parol" said the boy.
    "Come on son we need to go" said is father. They walked away quickly. I closed the door and saw Mari fall to the ground and everyone came around the corner seeing her and I ran to her side. I held her close not letting anything or anyone get between us.
    "Mari who was that" I asked holding her close still.
    "That was Pete my ex boyfriend" she said shaking. I heard gasps from our friends around us. Everyone came to hug her but didn't try to get in between us. There were only two thoughts in my head. That guy better stay away from Mari. Two I need to protect Mari with my life. Because I love her.

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