Chapter 10- A New Start

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    POV Courtney
    It's been a few days since everything changed. All us girls started sitting with the guys and they are extremely nice to us. I've been talking to Shayne a lot lately and I know I have feeling for him. Even when he was an ass to me I felt something pull me to him in a special way I didn't know why.
"Hey Court wait up" I hear someone yell behind me. I new that voice anywhere. Shayne came up running to me.
"Hey Shayne whatcha up to? Other than running in the hallway shame on you" I teased him bumping my shoulder into him lightly.
"Nothing really" he bumped me back "I actually wanted to see if you could come by my place after football practice is over I wanna talk to you about something?" Whatever it was Shayne seem slightly afraid to ask me.
"Yeah sure I have to rehearse with some of my friends for the show next month I'll head over to your house after" I said hoping to get him to ease up.
"Awesome I'll see you later" he said taking off down the hall heading to practice. I took a turn to the auditorium and walked in.
Everyone was already setting up the instruments for practice. The big show or more the concert we're having here after school next month is coming together great. I've been working on my singing for months and I think I have it nearly good. We start practicing all the covers of songs we're doing. After we finished I walked to my car and drove to Shaynes house.
Once I pull up I see his car was the only one there. His parents must not be home yet. I came over here three days ago and then the day after. I remember his mother was a lovely woman and his father was just quite. I walked up to his house and rang the doorbell. Shayne opened the door with his caring smile.
"Hey Court come in" he said I walked in and he came up beside me and we went to the living room. He had the Office on the tv, I love that show.
"So what did you want to talk about" I asked Shayne looking at him trying to make sure I had a sweet expression so that he knew he was okay.
"Okay well.. um... alright I'm just gonna flat out say it. Courtney Miller ever since I saw you I thought you were the most beautiful girl I've ever met. You're so funny and caring and everything about you is perfect. I don't know why I hurt you. I feel awful everyday because of it. I really like you and want to be with you" he spoke fast probably to make sure he actually say all of it. I sat for a second silent. I like him to but words wouldn't come out. I grabbed his hand and lifted his face to look at me.
"I like you to Shayne. I really do" I said holding on to his hand for dear life. He grabbed my face and brought it to his. He kissed me softly and it felt like it lasted forever. I loved that moment and I always will.

  I'm really sorry for not updating this story for months but here's another part and I'm try to update more this time.

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