Chapter 14 - Lets Go Out

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POV Mari
    I slowly opened my eyes to see the tv on and the sun shining through the window. I went to grab my phone to check the time. It was only 4:00. I looked up to see Wes sleeping and holding on to me. I tried slowly to get off the couch so I didn't wake him up but I was thirsty. If the look of it once I got up he was still sleeping. I slowly walked to the kitchen and got out some juice and a glass.
"Ah you're awake" I heard Wes say while wrapping his arms around me. I would normally stiffen over this but I felt comfortable and safe.
"Yup. Would you like a glass" I asked while pouring my glass. All Wes did was hum in response and bury his head in my shoulder. I managed to grab another glass with him holding on to me. I poured his glass and turned to face him. We were silent for a minute before he broke the silence.
    "Lets go out. On a date. We can get dinner" he said while taking a sip of his drink.
    "Yeah that's sounds like fun" I said back. "What time do you want to go?"
    "We'll leave at six. Gives us time to get ready."
    "Okay sounds good" I said finishing up my drink and heading up stairs.
    "Wait you forgot something" Wes called. I turned around to see him walking up to me.
    "What did I forget?"
    "This" his said pulling me to him and pressing his lips on mine. It wasn't our first kiss but it felt just as amazing. We kissed for a little over a minute before he pulled away. "Okay now go get ready and we'll go eat." I felt so happy as I was running up my stairs.
    "Gosh what should I wear" I asked myself. While looking through my closet I was trying to find something nice but not to nice. I picked out a black top black ripped jeans and a pink jacket. As I was doing simple makeup I got really nervous. This is my first date in a while and I want it to go well. While I was thinking a realized it was getting closer to six and I still need to do my hair. I finished up my makeup and went to look at my hair to decide what I should do. I decided to straighten my hair. Once I finish I heard the door bell. I made sure to check who it was before opening the door and it was Wes. He was dressed in his normal jeans t-shirt and leather jacket but he still look handsome.
    "Are you ready to go"he asked holding out his hand.
    "Yes I am" I replied taking his hand and walking to his car. With that we were off to our first date.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2019 ⏰

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