3. Intoductions

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Ravens POV:
We get to the 15th floor and we walk down the hall until we get to her door and she unlocks it.

To my surprise it was actually a really large apartment.

We walk in and make our way to the living room where everyone is sitting.

"ATTENTION EVERYONE!!!" Emma yells to loudly.

"This here is our new roomy... her name is Raven. I expect all of you to treat her very nicely."
She says with her head held high.

I see kasey running towards me and she grabs my hand
And says
"It is soooo nice to meet you. I'm so excited to hang out with you."

"Me too thank. I'm super happy you guys are letting me stay here so last minute." I say cheerfully.

The tallest one of the boys looks at me confused. He was wearing a Gucci T-shirt and joggers.

He then turns to Emma and says

"Where is she even going to sleep? There's only 3 rooms. You and Kasey share a room, Jeramy and Tyler share a room and I have one to myself. We made a deal that if I paid the most of the rent I would get my own room."

I could hear the anger in his voice. He was very bossy I could already tell.

"I know, I know Harry" Emma says scared.

"It was really last minute and I wanted to help her out so she's going to be sleeping here on the couch." She said confident.

"Yea don't worry. I won't be taking your room" I snap at him, trying to put him in his place.

He looks at his friend Tyler who is standing next to him and looks back at me with a cheeky grin. And walks up to me.

"Listen here R a v e n" he drug out my name.

"If you want to stay here then you're gonna have to learn not to talk to me like that again." He says and turns around and wake to his room.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked super confused.

"That was harry." Tyler said.

My roommate Harry Styles Where stories live. Discover now