8. Laundry

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After I was done in the shower I got dressed and exited the bathroom. Harry was sitting on his bed watching Netflix and he quickly turned to look at me.

"Thanks." I told him.
"Are those your dirty clothes?" He asked me.
"Yea I was gonna wash them. Em told me where the washer and dryer are."
"I have a washer and dryer in a little closet in the bathroom you can put them in because if you put them in the laundry in the hall they won't be clean until next week."
"Oh okay. Thanks Harry." I say as I walk back in the bathroom. 
"That one right there" Harry says as he sees me almost walk past the closet. I opened the folding closet doors and put my clothes in the wash.

I closed the door back and came back in Harry's room. I wanted to stay and talk to him but I didn't know what to say. I was still kinda scared from where he grabbed me before I got in the shower. Like this boy is so bi polar. Does he or does he not want to be nice to me.

I left his room without saying anything. And went and sat down in the living room with Tyler,Em, and Kasey.

"What the hell man! Your hair is wet. How did you shower??? It's not even my turn yet." Em asks me confused.

"Oh Harry was nice enough to let me use his shower." I reply

"What the actual fuck. He actually let you?" Kasey asks me with rudeness in her voice.

"Yea..." I say

After that no one really said anything. I think they were all a little shocked. Tyler didn't really talk much. And Jeramy was always gone.  Speaking of Jeramy.....

"Okay Emma you can shower now!!!" Jeramy yells as he runs towards the door to leave the apartment.

"Why are you in such a rush??" I ask while laughing.

"Math club meeting..." he replied as he shut the door, leaving the apartment.

Emma got up and went to go shower. So that it was just me and Kasey and Tyler watching TV. In the living room.

My roommate Harry Styles Where stories live. Discover now