7. Shower shortage

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Once I gather my things so that I can go shower, I realize I don't even know where the bathroom is. I walk up to kasey to ask her because she's sitting at the counter in the kitchen.

"Hey Kasey, where's the bathroom?"

"Ohhhhh....well you see mine and Emma's room is at the end of the hall way next to Tyler's and Jeramy's room and we all four share that bathroom that's in-between our two rooms. There's practically a line for that bathroom. It takes each of us 1 hour in there and I just got done so you're gonna have to wait 3 more hours."
She tells me with a frown on her face

"Wooow... there's 5 people living here and you all have to share one bathroom??"
I ask confused.

"Well no not exactly Harry's in the master bedroom all the way at the other end of the hall and so he has a bathroom that's connected to his room that he has all to himself. He has that luxury because he pays most of the rent out of all of us. He won't let you use his bathroom though. Trust me. I have begged and begged." She replies.

After she explains that to me I figured it's worth a shot asking him since he didn't me sleep in his room last night. But I think he only did that because he was kind of a dick to me for no reason.

I start walking towards Harry's room and I see he's closed the door since I left only about 10 minuets ago. I knock on his door and he yells "who the fuck is it?" I can tell he's pissed.
"Um never mind.." I say very quickly, not wanting to upset him anymore. While I'm turning around to leave I hear a lot of noise and him say "Raven? Wait!" And then he opened the door very quickly while out of breath as if he was in a rush to catch me.

"What is it?" He says. Trying to act mad but I can tell he's probably just trying to act all big and bad for no reason.

"I.. I was just wondering if I could use your shower?"

"You know there's one on the end of the hall" he said with his eye brows raised while pointing behind me.

"Yea I know but Kasey told me there's practically a line and so I'm guessing that means by the time I use it there won't be any warm water so I was just gonna ask you. Sorry I shouldn't have though. Kasey told me you'd say no anyway." I say  

I go to turn around and Harry grabs my arm almost hurting me and turns me around and pulls me in his room shutting the door.

"Listen" He says while pointing a finger at me while he still had a grip on my arm. "I'm not some ass hole okay? You keep acting like I don't know how to fucking share or like I'm stuck up but I'm not."

"I'm sorry..." I say in complete fear. I was so scared. I wanted to scream but I didn't want to make a scene because I didn't think he'd actually hurt me. I had seen the good side of him. He wouldn't do that.

He must have seen how scared I was because he let go of me and his mouth was just kind of opened and he muttered "I'm sorry... you just really pissed me off.."

"I'm sorry Harry.... I didn't mean to"
I say, still In shock. 

"Um.. you can use my shower, it's right there."
He says while looking at the floor and just pointing to it. As I walk to the door leading into the bathroom I hear him say
"Um. Raven, here you go"

As I turn around to see what he was giving me it was my underwear I must have dropped. This was so fucking embarrassing. I just took them from him with-ought even saying anything and went into the bathroom and closed the door behind me.

My roommate Harry Styles Where stories live. Discover now