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I woke up remembering I was in Harry's cozy bed. I was laying to where I was facing the wall so I leaned up so I could see if harry had come out the bathroom yet.

And indeed he had. He was facing his closet so that his back was facing me. He had a white towel rapped around his waist and he was grabbing boxers out of his drawer that was in his closet. I didn't want him to change right in front of me. Well I did but it felt wrong. So I quickly said "Harry" and he turned around fast revealing all his tattoos on his chest. I stared at them and he probably thought I was crazy or something.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you" he told me.
"No it's fine." I tell him. I looked away and said "You can change now,I won't peek."

I heard him laugh and the towel fall to the floor and him slide into his boxers.
"All done" He says.
I turn to look at him.
"You're just wearing boxers? No shorts."
I say confused. I didn't know he was that comfortable around here.
"I mean I can put some on?" He says.
"Noo noo, it's fine." I say In a hurry. Because I don't mind at all that he's not wearing shorts.

"Well I'm gonna go to bed now because it's 1am, alright? I'll see you in the morning." Harry says.

"Wait, what? Where are you going?" I ask him.

"I'm gonna let you sleep in here again. I don't want you sleeping in the living room again because now I don't know if I can even trust Jeramy." He tells me.

"Harry I'm scared, I don't want to be alone" I tell him and start crying a little.

He comes towards his bed and sits next to me and holds me in his arms for a little while and then he pulls away and whispers in his raspy voice "Do you want me to stay in here?"
I nod my head and he tells me to lay back down so I do exactly that. He crawls under the covers with me to where he's facing the back of my head and he holds me until I fall asleep.

My roommate Harry Styles Where stories live. Discover now