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This chapter contains
And imagine kinda soooo
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I woke up In Harry's arms. We were still in the same position we had fallen asleep in except now he was a lot closer to me with his whole front side against my back. I laid there listening to him breathing. I figured he was still asleep because his breathes were very deep.

I needed to stretch really bad because I had been in that same position all night. I straightened my legs and stretched my back accidentally pushing my bum up against the front of Harry's boxers and I could definitely feel his length that was in them. I quickly stopped stretching when I realized what I had done and I quickly pulled my bum away and went back to the position I was in before. I must have woke Harry up by touching him there though.

"Are you awake?" He asks me while he leans up.

I decided to pretend that I was still asleep bc I do not want to talk about what I just did. I guess he believes it because he lays back down slowly making sure he doesn't wake me.
But then he puts his hand on my waist and pulls me closer to him so that my bum is touching his clothed member again.

I almost flinched because I was so shocked that he just put me against his length. He laid his head down right beside mine and he
whispered "I know you're awake." In my ear.
I could hear the mischievousness in his voice. "do it again." He demands me. I was so glad he wanted me to because honestly I like what's happening.

I move my hips in a rolling motion so that my bum keeps rubbing over his now hard member. He lets out a really quiet grunt and his breathing deepens. I decided to stop after I did it about 7 times and I turned over so that I was facing him now. He looks at me with a dirty grin and says "well good morning."

His voice was so raspy and deep. And all I could do was take in his beauty. And he must have thought something was wrong since I didn't speak. "Oh no. Was that a mistake? Should I have not done that??" He asks me very worried.
"No Harry it was fine. I mean was it a mistake to you?" I ask him.
"Definitely not. I'm the one who told you to do it again so I didn't know if I pushed you to far." He told me. He sounded so sweet and caring right now. Before I could say anything else he said "why'd you stop though??" Giving me the saddest look ever.

"I wanted to see your face" I reply while giggling.

Then he begins to say "Well now that you can see my face..." and he grabs my hand and guides me to his boxers and places my hand on the outside of them so that I can feel his length. He looks at me waiting for me to give him my opinion. I'm honestly just speechless so All I do is nod to him letting him know I like it.

He lets go of my hand and brings his hand up and puts it against my cheek and looks at me straight in the eyes as he slowly leans up and he gets on top of me so that he's hovering over me. And in-between my legs

"Do you want me to kiss you" he whispers while staring at my lips as if he's going to kiss me even if I say no. But I obviously whisper back "yes."

Next think I know his lips crash into mine and I feel his tongue slightly each time. It's not sloppy, it's passionate. It was amazing and we made out for about 4 minuets straight until we both pulled away quickly because there was a knock at the door.

My roommate Harry Styles Where stories live. Discover now