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I wake up to a knock on the door. I hurry out of my room and to the front door of the apartment. When I look through the peep hole, low and behold it's Harry. I open the door and he comes in with about three suit cases.

"Ah glad to see you've decided to stay and be my new roomy" he says jokingly with a wide smile.

"Well it's only been one day Harry. I haven't even had enough time to think about it. Much less pack all my things and leave..."

"I think it will be easier for both of us if you just stay then."He says walking over to me after he's sat his stuff down.

"Maybe easier for me, but I don't see how it would be easier for you."

" well I don't want to be all alone..." He says as he gently reaches out and grabs my hand.

I quickly jerk my hand back and try to change the subject. "So.. is that all your stuff?"

"No. I was actually going to ask you to come help me bring the rest up." He says.

"You're so funny." I say as I plop down on the couch while turning in the TV.

Harry looks at me with anger as he walks out the door and slams it. I don't know what he expects though. I'm not his servant.


"Okay that's the last one" Harry says to me as he brings in the last box from the moving truck.
I just give him a thumbs up and don't say anything because I'm watching a movie and trying to pay attention. But of course Harry has to ruin it and walks in-front of the tv and asks me to pause it.
"Whattt Harry?"

"Go take your stuff out of your room and put it in the room next to it." He says looking at me sternly.

" Harry, there's a reason my stuff isn't in that room. It's smaller than my room." I say looking up at him.

"Exactly. Your room is big so I need it. I have more stuff than you."

"You can't just come in here and take my room what the hell!" I yell at him as I stand up so that I'm right in-front of him.

"Listen Raven. I am paying the rent so what I say goes. And I need the bigger room. I have more stuff than you and I will need a place to work once school starts."

"So will I Harry." I say tearing up. But Harry is arrogant and doesn't care  about anyone but himself so he obviously didn't change his mind.

"Either go switch rooms or I'm going to start throwing your shit out in the hall." He says as he walks away and towards my room.

"Okay okay stop! I'll do it." I yell running in-front of him.

I quickly start getting my stuff together while he stands in my door way just watching me. I start crying because I can't hold it back. I feel so belittled. This was my place for the longest time and now I'm being forced around and it just makes me feel so worthless.

Once Harry here's my crying he walks off. He's such a jerk. I don't know why I thought this could actually work.

My roommate Harry Styles Where stories live. Discover now