28. Forgiving

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Ive been watching Netflix for around 4 hours. Not noticing how late it had gotten. I had almost fallen asleep on the couch but I woke up when I heard a door open.

It was Harry coming out if his room and walking into the living room. This time he was dressed, thankfully. He makes it really hard for me to forget how things use to be between us.

Sitting down in the couch next to me, he grabs the remote and changes the tv to The discovery channel.

I was angry but didn't bother saying anything because he honestly intimidates me to much. I sit there for a while watching it But then I start to doze back off.

"Are you cold?" Harry asks me. Almost startling me because we were sitting in silence for so long.

"No I'm fine." I quickly reply.
"Alright then." He says.

I slowly started to get even more sleepy and I caught my head from falling on Harry's shoulder almost three times now.

After two more episodes, I got up from the couch to go to my room to sleep.  I didn't want to chance falling asleep on the couch and have Harry draw dicks all over my face, because he's that kind of person. 

But of course Harry Doesn't allow me to leave until he's broken the uncomfortable silence again. He stands up from the couch and follows behind me as I walk to my room.
"Where are you going?"

"To bed. " I replied.

"But why?"

"Because I'm sleepy." I answered as I stop in front of my bedroom door.

"I know you are, but Why don't you just sleep on the couch while I'm in there so I'm not alone?"

"Because it's 2am and because I have a perfectly good bed Harry..." I turn around to open my door but Harry grabs my waist and steps closer behind me.

"I don't want to be alone." He said in a almost whisper in my ear. As if he didn't want someone else to hear him. It sent shivers down my back.

I gently removed his hands that were on my waist to turn around. I looked up at him and he looked genuinely sad. I know he's made  the past week aggravating. But my heart was breaking for him. Even though I had no idea what was wrong.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him into my room slowly while he just stared at the floor looking zoned out. I take him to my bed and we both sit on it.

"Harry. What's wrong?" I ask him as I turn on my bedside lamp.

"Me." He replies

"What do you mean?"

"Look what I've done to you. You hate me. You don't even want to be in the same room as me."
He says. Looking down at my floor and Trying his best not to look at me. Like he's ashamed.

"Harry. Nothing is wrong with you. It's just hard. This whole situation is just weird. You broke up with me for no reason. And then you show up after a year of not talking to me. And how did you find me again? Oh right, you were stalking me. And now your going to be my college professor? Like how does that make any sense?! You haven't even explained any of this to me."

"I know I'm sorry. I'll explain it all. Anything if you'll just start to open up to me more and stop distancing yourself from me."

"Alright let's hear it." I reply.

"Alright well. I ended things between us because I got into some bad stuff. And I didn't want you to get hurt. I didn't think you would be so upset about it since we had only been a thing for like two months. But I'm sorry. I-"

I cut him off because I'm super confused about this whole " i got into some bad stuff" thing that he's trying to skip over.

"What do you mean 'bad stuff'?" I ask.

"A group of guys that wanted something from me. It's nothing. We can talk about that later. But that's another reason why I would walk the block everyday. I wasn't trying to stalk you. I was making sure you were safe." He said.

" what? Were they after me?" I asked

"Well they threatened me by saying they were. That's why I ended things. But I never saw them trying to sneak around here. Plus, it's been over a year now so it's fine."

"Alright. I believe you. You don't have to explain the whole professor thing because I know thats what you were going to college for. And I guess I can't be mad at you for wanting a job at a good college."

"So do you feel less weird about all this? Can we start fresh?" He asks me.

"Yes Harry. Thank you for being honest."

But was he being completely honest about everything. He didn't completely explain the bad stuff he got into.

"Alright cool. Thank you for talking with me. Illl let you go to sleep now. He tells me as I turn off my lamp and get into bed.

"Goodnight harry." I tell him as he walks out my room closing my door.

My roommate Harry Styles Where stories live. Discover now