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As I'm walking home I get the usual cat calls. Nothing new.
People can be so crude and nasty. They were taught no respect growing up.

My thought were quickly stopped when I was grabbed by the arm and pulled into an alley way by someone larger. I tried screaming but they quickly put their hand over my mouth while slamming me up again the dark ally wall.

This couldn't be happening. It was literally 3in the afternoon. Why would someone do this in daylight. Even though it was day time. The ally way was dark and I could t make out who it was. I could guess what their intentions were though.

"Don't you look good today hun" the man says. His breath reeking of alcohol and cigarettes. I jerk my face away at the smell of his breath.
"Hey hey. Stop squirming and we can get down to business faster." He says as he starts to put the hand that wasn't on my mouth under my shirt to grab my breasts. I start crying. I felt so gross and belittled. I didn't feel like a person anymore. Just an object. Once he saw me crying he started to say
"Hey don't cry... I can make you feel go-" but he was cut off when some one threw him off of me. I quickly pull my bra back down and fix my shirt. I quickly grab my phone
"I'm calling the fucking police" I let both of the men know.
"No your not" a familiar raspy voice says as they grab my phone. I look up to see it's Harry... Then he turns around to face the guy he threw off of me that was slowly getting up. Harry grabs him and pushes him up agains the opposite ally wall and starts beating him. I looked away because it looked painful.
Once he stops punching him, harry walks over to me and the guy against the wall just falls lifelessly to the ground.
"Is.. is he dead?" I ask Harry.
"No." Harry says as stands right in-front of me. I felt so much different than I did just 5 minutes ago. I felt safe now. Harry interrupts my thinking process by asking me if I was alright.
"I guess I a-" I stop when he grabs my arm and begins to examine it.

"No. You're not. You're already bruising right here" he says as he shows my the spot on my arm where the man grabbed me.

"I'll be fine." I snap as I jerk my arm from his grip. He looks at me mad. As if he should be able to touch me.

I break the silence by asking him if we should call the cops. He snaps at me saying
"no... are you stupid? I could be arrested for beating him up as bad as I did. We need to get out of here though."

"We?" I ask him.

"Yes Raven. Let's go to your apartment. Or mine technically since I fucking pay for it." He snaps at me while he walks off expecting me to follow him.
I quickly catch up to him,not wanting to be alone after what just happened.

My roommate Harry Styles Where stories live. Discover now